My view on life, share yours.

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Kushjob, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. Life. Something that will never be explained, nor understood. We as humans try hard to fight the fact that we are alone in this life time. Alone in the sense only you can experience it. We may find ourselves in good company, but at the end of the day, you have your thoughts and experiences.

    We are no miracle, we are a part of one. We are a species of one, yet we are divided.

    You are made of the same star dust I am made of. You're no better than I, and I no better than you.

    People get so sidetracked working the rat race they forget to stop and realize the insignificance of this all. The hunger for more is what is costing the hunger of all, the need of love, the need of ONE.

    Life is a puzzle that should never be solved.

    Your view?
  2. 30 views yet no words?

  3. We're always chasing the dragon, when really there is no dragon. The Universe is what it is, and we are an audience of ourselves.
  4. Life: Do More Acid
  5. If you need to do acid to open your perspective you're doing it wrong.
  6. I feel like you were trying to go somewhere with that. :confused:
  7. Simply to love.
    Find your own inner energy.
    Be the change of the world in a positive manner.
    Break free of all karmas.
    See the world clearly with no stress or harm.
    Culturize and gernerize.
  8. my advice:

    The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it.
    ~Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray, 1891
  9. #9 LittleJacob, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2011
    No matter how much we may intellectually, conceptually "understand" the universe, we will never truly Know the universe. The beauty is that the Mystery is forever hidden from our true eyes, from absolute knowing. Yet, all that we see is the same Mystery, the truth. We live in this Mystery, we feel this Mystery, we are this Mystery.

    So we dance, and we sing.

    [ame=]YouTube - Pase Rock feat Uyama Hiroto - Kamakura (Conversations with Jun)[/ame]

    Life is beautiful. All is god. God's changeless beauty is at the heart of change. And by God, I mean the Mystery that we will never fully "Comprehend", because it is inherently fully unknowable by us limited humans with our limited capacities. :smoke:

    Suffering only arises from a false view of reality. Suffering arises when the Pure Awareness that one is mistakenly imputes an isolated, separate "self" on the essentially empty and selfless ever-happenings of life. We are nothing but nothing, nothing but everything, yet the mind would have One think he is two.
  10. Life. Something we humans have branded and defined for ourselfes. Something we ask questions to, and something we can't answer.
    In an unknown number of galaxies, maybe dimensions, in one universe, our race live on this earth. And by looking at the earth we think we can find an answer for the big picture? It is not by looking, not by asking, not by see or hear we find the answer. It's by loving. Realizing we are all just one consiusness expressing itself subconsuisly, that we are all after one goal - a better future. But this very goal, also called happiness, lies in the now.

    Forms are tempomary. A molecular game, a dance, consistent of pure energy condemmed to slow vibration.:smoke:
  11. the only thing that truly exists now, is the moment. people and animals have existed, and they will. but focus on whats alive NOW, whats around. live for right now, notice your own breath. the sky, trees, animals. enjoy small things. find things to keep you busy during hard times. and if you find the right job you never truly work a day in your life. smoke weed in any fashion, love those who respect it, and do one good deed a day.

    idk if that makes sense. but im baked and summarized what i think a good life would be?
  12. My view on this thread : (I hope you take critics well...)

    It's good, but not great.

    It's not something I've never heard of before, you know what I mean?

    I think you should be more original. Try to come up with something more unique.

    I think you can do it.
  13. To worship God. That simple.
  14. You're never born with purpose. You're born as the sole creator of you're own purpose, if you desire one.
  15. All I know is we were put on this planet at this moment in time. There has been a countless amount of people that have lived before us and there will be so many more after we die. But what is great is we are alive now and we get to take in all the history that's happened and we get to study the fucking great things this earth has to offer. The point is to appreciate what you have and make the best of it. It's the little things and all the awesome memories that really matter, you know there's no point in getting stressed out over meaningless crap. When I figured that out, my life completely changed. :smoke:

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