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My Very First Bong!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Jesuz, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. Well my personal dealer texted me last night asking me if i wanted a bong for 60 dollars. I was so excited so decided to buy it. He drove by and i gave him the cash. He said its an ice bong. Im wondering. Would an ice bong or a water bong be smooother? Thanks
  2. Yup they're lot smoother, feels like your not smoking anything HAHA, so watch out. Mind posting a pic?
  3. Yeah sure. Maybe soon. I got it hiding somewhere. Parents o.o. And The bowl doesnt have a screen. Should it?
  4. Good news brother. 99.99% of the time when someone says they have an ice bong, what they mean is a regular water bong that has a built in ice catch above the water. In other words an ice bong is a regular bong + it holds ice. Not either or.

    BTW ice in a bong is the tits if you've never tried it.

    (edit) glass bongs usually don't have a metal screen. You can get one but honestly unless you are smoking shwag most people don't use them anymore. You can get a "glass screen" which is like a little tiny glass glass platform that sits in your pipe hole and stops ash from getting sucked down. That's what most glass users (including myself) use these days. Good luck
  5. Very cool. And thanks ;). Cant wait to try it tomorow after he drops off 2 grams for me lol
  6. Jesus i wish my bong had an ice pinch the do make a HUGE difference.
    2 g of DANK i hope ?
  7. Yes dank haha. And ill get pics up tomorow. Its like. After the spherical part of it. there is like indentations in the outsides which are almost touching eachother on the inside. Im guessing thats the ice catcher?
  8. yup. you guessed it. That is so that it stays above the water, and the smoke has to pass over it before it reaches you. Rather then just having ice in the water.
  9. #9 firephotoman, Jan 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2010
    I just got my first one not long ago and it had an ice catcher, didn't really know what it was for a while but when I figured it out... it was amazing!
  10. Nice but if it turns out to be crap you can always use it as a weapon:)
  11. I wish i could find a decent bong for 60$
  12. That's called an ice pinch, that indent, hence the name ice pinch.

    You can buy a glass screen for a dollar, just don't lose it.

    The point of buying glass is to avoid metal, so DO NOT use metal screens in glass.
    Most people would just use a small piece of a nug to block the bowl hole, then load ground/finely cut up weed on top.
  13. i remember my first bong,

    my friends got it for me for my b-day
  14. I still have my first bong too actually, its acrylic with glass stem+slide and ice pinches.
    Once you own a bong you can't go wrong...
    Unless you break it, but hopefully that will not happen.:p
  15. My first bong was a little handheld glass one, harshest bong I've ever smoked from.

    Waiting for pictures of this bong :O

  16. dont bother with the screen, its a bong so when the weed is burnt you can just pull the weed through

  17. that makes the pipe and the water get disgusting especially fast.
  18. nice! you should throw some pictures up so we can get a good look at this bong.
  19. its not like you drink the water tho.
  20. I have ALWAYS used glass screens.
    Except in my toro ice pinch slide:p

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