My Vaporizer Tower

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by charleyg420, Feb 16, 2009.

  1. #1 charleyg420, Feb 16, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 16, 2009
    Paid $250 Canadian. Works fucking great.. Gotta love them vaporized hoots. :smoke::smoke:

    (stickers are from Rock band, threw em on while rocking out all stoned)

    I'd say its about time to make some honey oil.. would you agree?? :D

    Happy toking yall :smoke::smoke:

    Attached Files:

  2. fucking sick dude... i want one
  3. That looks like vaccum line tube... The safer stuff should be the IV plastic that doctors use.

    Look good nonetheless. :)
  4. Re: My Vaporizer Tower \t\t\t
    \t\t\t \t\t\t \t\t \t\t \t\t \t\t\t \t\t\tfucking sick dude... i want one

    They are worth it man, trust me. The hoots are so much smoother, and you can make a fuck load of honey oil when you got it as caked as mine. :smoke::smoke:

    Re: My Vaporizer Tower
    \t\t\t \t\t\t \t\t \t\t \t\t \t\t\t \t\t\tThat looks like vaccum line tube... The safer stuff should be the IV plastic that doctors use.

    Look good nonetheless. :)

    Yah!! thats what I thought.

    Works great. :smoke:
  5. cool, I like the sticker too!!!
  6. Re: My Vaporizer Tower \t\t\t
    \t\t\t \t\t\t \t\t \t\t \t\t \t\t\t \t\t\tcool, I like the sticker too!!!

    lol, thanks.. There's 4 actually, one on each side.. :smoke::smoke: (Microphone, guitar, drums, and another guitar I think..)

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