My translation of the GEnesis Creation Account

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by TheJourney, Jan 18, 2013.

  1. Well, I am finding out how deep this is, so this is not going to be a short task. You'll find I use many more words than traditional interpretations. This is to attempt to restore the original precision.

    First, here is a 'meaning-guide.' This will be absolutely meaningless to you at first, but may take on meaning as time goes on.

    1 = Mas
    0 = Fem
    + = Cohesive
    - = Discordia


    To the translation...(I am on what your bibles would call 'Genesis 1:2' right now):

    B'rA'shEt: From the Male-GOD, she CAME down
    b'rA eL0hEm: in their HEat,
    w'eth hA-SH' mAYim: The decided to listen
    w'eth hA-eReTs: and then they CAME to EARth
    w'ha-eReTs: and your Earth
    hay'tO: said to YOU, the MALE
    to'hU rav'KHU: Go into yourself, and teach them, using smoke and mirrors
    w'CHosheKH AL p'nei t'hOM: And darkness fell upon the face of their HOME
  2. #2 TheJourney, Jan 18, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2013
    w'ruACH eLO-hEm: And the Spirit of the God/Goddess
    M'rA kheFeth: Out of his HEat, came
    AL p'nEI hAMayim: approaching the face of the Flow/Waters
    waYOmer eLOhEM: And the Male Gods said:
    y'hi OR: LET my light be shown!
    way'hE OR: And my light was shown
    waY'R' eLOhEm eth-hA-OR: And then the females said, for the male Gods: THERE IS LIGHT!
  3. In case anyone is confused: The ancient religions created systems using phenomes and genomes(smallest units of sound/meaning) in order to convey messages. Over time, the meaning got distorted, and people forgot what they meant.
  4. I assume this relates to your use of capitols in the middle of English words? If that's so, it makes more sense to me now. I can imagine the difference between saying the word:

    Truth and saying the word TruTH, almost like holding the end TH a little longer. I'm not sure reading it works as well, but if this is what you're getting at, I get it.

    I'm not sure how spelling it TruTh, for example, would change the way it's said though. How are you choosing where to put your capitols, Clay?
  5. The problem is, when you get down to a modern language like English, the number of sounds has been REDUCED. We have been trained to not make or hear certain noises. All of my capitals indicate something specific, tho it may not be recognized right away.
  6. How do you decide, or is it intuitive, what capitols are changed?
  7. I begin my making an intentional effort, based on what seems right. The more I do it, the more intuitive it becomes.
  8. Yet, you never felt to do it in that answer. Does that mean you don't always need to, or it just comes and goes? After all, it's a fairly new thing I believe . . . yes? So there might be a kind of novelty factor about it. It will be interesting to see if it lasts.

    That's not meant as a challenge by the way. :rolleyes:
  9. Sometimes, standard English accurately conveys the sounds/message. Sometimes, it does not do it quite right. If it doesn't do it right, you have to alter the language somehow to fix it.
  10. Can you define what you mean by 'not quite right'? Examples?
  11. Alright, I am now attempting to take the minimized pheno-geno-types(smallest known sound/meaning combinations), and fluctuating them according to the basic meaning of yin/yang. I will do this while reading the Tao Te Ching, down-up across the rows, up-down through the columns.

    All of this is actually working shockingly well, so I am a little overwhelmed right now, lol, and am going to have to slow down.
  12. Very difficult to explain in words...its intuitive...perhaps it is because I have some experience with multiple languages and underlying world-views. Perhaps that has opened up certain things within me that let other things associated with those languages/world-views just kinda pour out, without needing conscious thought.
  13. #13 Timesplasher, Jan 23, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2013
    That is so trippy its brilliant! :smoking:

    -1+0 = +-1 ?
  14. Just from a strict reading of the Hebrew it's way off. I can appreciate what you're trying to do, though.

    Even if we remove the traditional nikkudim (vowel marks) from the Hebrew and substitute other nikkudim in their place to make new words, it's still pretty far off from a Hebrew linguistics standpoint. Even if we take each word's numerical value and replace it with another word of equal value (gematria), as we do in Kabbalah, there's no possible way to make your translation work.

    Even further, if we look at the Hebrew creation narrative for what it actually is (a retelling of earlier Mesopotamian myths, which is why the polytheism is so apparent) it's even more apparent how your "translation" doesn't work.

    What you're doing is more akin to what Joseph Smith, the Mormon prophet, did when he "re-translated" Genesis 1 into what become his King Follett Sermon.
  15. #15 TheJourney, Jan 23, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2013
    Let me re-phrase. I am particularly 'translating' by taking interpretive influences from Hebrew, English, Spanish, some Eastern terminology, as well as the general concepts that drive a 'Crowley-esque' interpretation of the Tree of Life, applying that to all sounds, sights, and concepts. It is a meaning-based interpretation, based on elemental sights/sounds, with influences from many different fields of thought and cultures/worldviews. This is apparent in the context of other things I have been writing recently, but not apparent with reading this thread alone.
  16. #16 TheJourney, Jan 23, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2013
    Let me try to briefly explain my wording with some of this, to demonstrate the method. Now, from one interpretation/translation to another, I might say something radically different. This is because it is so 'elemental' that the most minor change in meaning drastically changes the wording, to apparently mean something completely different.

    B = in, from within(beit - house)
    rA = Sun-God(Egypt), god of fire/heat (Resh - Head)
    sh = Shin visually looks like flames of a fire, to me. Shin can also apparently mean 'change.'
    shET = english, 'shit,' which indicates a downward movement
    ET = Extra-Terrestrial, Energy-Tea, Liquid Energy

    B'rA eL-O-hEm
    B'rA = See above
    eL = the(singular), God
    O = zero, him, his
    hEm = he, masculine, plural

    I don't feel like going on at this point, lol, just trying to demonstrate the method. What I just showed is only three words. This is a general method for extrapolating meaning from ANYTHING, in any language, currently being applied to the creation account of Genesis. It's like free-association, using as much information as possible.

  17. -1+0 = +-10, I'd say :p
  18. Using Crowlean Terminology: All words, phrases, and sentences are magickal formulae.

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