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my town is pathetic

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by topgun055, Feb 26, 2012.

  1. ugh i hate my town its a scum hole there a "gang" of teens from the age of 14 to 18 running around calling themselves wolf gang how original can they get -_- they've been robbing people and tipping tomp stones how fucking disrespectful can they get and it just pisses me off cause theyre just copying odd future
  2. #2 CDub 2 Trill, Feb 26, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2012
    How would you know these teens?
    Do you go to their Jr high or something
    If you are an adult surely you have better things to do with your time than bicker at teens all day
  3. there robbing people and tippin tombstones im pretty sure adults are going to no about this happining
  4. I remember when a little street "gang" tried to rob me and my 2 buddies as we were walking back from the bar all hammered drunk. Pretty big mistake on their parts for just trying to strong-arm rob a group of people who have all had guns pointed at them before, never did see those kids again but Im fairly certain at least 2 out of the 5 would have had to go to the hospital.

    They're probably just bitches who get away with shit because people are afraid of them for whatever reason. And its a hell of a lot easier to "fight" someone when they dont fight back (as is the case with most robberies).
  5. That sounds like what's happening in my little town. And yes, I as well am an adult who knows things going on in my town..

    Anyways, there is little 16 year olds around my town who call themselves the bloods. Of course have no affiliation with a real gang. But man, they're hard. They all hangout below a bridge, and what was once a nice toking spot for me and a couple buddies is now littered with all of there Marlboro Menthol packs and all the food and drink they bring..

    Younger generations suck more and more.
  6. [​IMG]

    But seriously OP.. if they are bothering you that much then call the cops on them if you see them doing shit. Otherwise I don't really think a group of 14 year old teeny boppers are going to rob shit.
  7. Time to either invest in a sniper rifle or a security camera on your property. But seriously this America man you can buy a pistol if your 21 and get a carry liscense so incase these fools rob you and put your life in "danger" you can let off a few fireworks and watch them run away with their tail inbetween their legs.

    It's funny how the true nature of a man is revealed when his life is in danger, you'll watch these "wolfs" turn into kitties in no less than a few seconds.
  8. Wow some odd future fanboys making a gang out of it?

    How fuckin' lame is that?
  9. so many of lifes problems can be solved with a fully automatic paintball gun
  10. Just wear a cop's uniform that you buy at party city.
    Scares little kiddies shitless :)

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