My three pieces

Discussion in 'Smoking Pipes, Glass Spoon Pipes' started by Michael Gary Scott, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. So here are the pieces I use on a normal basis. All are dirty, I know lol. The bong I recently picked up for $75. Straight tube with diffused downstem. The green bowl I got two years ago as a gift and the small blue bowl I got six years ago in CA. None of my pieces are named.



  2. that green one isnt a bubbler? Btw i love the tube, well all 3 are nice but that tube is so practical knowmsaiyn?
  3. Nah thats green one is not a bubbler. No downstem inside of it. And yeah the tube is perfect. I dont live in a dorm or with my parents or anything but when people do come over its easy to hide, unless I'm breaking it out to toke with them lol. Appreciate it mang.
  4. Nice lookin glass man. That little blue spoon is my fav it looks pretty thick :smoke:
  5. Your bong is perfect for doing shotguns..........................................

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