My Thread moved from General to Movies.. Why???

Discussion in 'General Forum Feedback' started by GrapDutchDrizzy, Jul 8, 2010.

  1. So I started this great thread asking others to post movie posters to their favorite Asian flicks, so that i could expand on a couple more flicks:

    It Started off great, got some nice posts, then BOOM suddenly no posts, no views.. nothing

    I check to see where my thread is and lo and behold its in the movies section, which is frequented by ANYONE hardly..

    so how is this any fair? isnt the point of making a thread to receive responses after you post it? now it may take months, even years for anyone to post in that thread, for a question i asked simply to recieve some quick answers.. once again.. no one.. i mean.. nooobody ever goes in the movie section of the Big Picture Forum
  2. man.. your thread IS about movies though :p

    so it needs to be in there.. if more folks posted threads in the right forums then General wouldn't be so top heavy.

    sorry dude.. it's what it is man.
  3. So your reasoning is that since you think the movies subforum gets fewer views than general, that you should post in the wrong forum? Believe it or not, people DO go to the movies subforum, and your thread is still getting views. This is a petty rant, man.

  4. Your totally right AW, I could use some patience, and i owe you one :D, so ill just chill on the venting, and see what happens, im glad i was atleast heard though

    nah dude dont try an get confrontational, chill out

    it was a bit of a rant, but not petty, I love the movie section, but i dont see why this couldnt also fall under general conversation..

    having a lot of future views in that thread suddenly cut off was a bit saddening.. the majority of grass city traffic simply overlooks the movie section and often, so some good references on asian flicks will surely be absent.

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