My third birth

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by bizzletwister10, Apr 4, 2010.

  1. #1 bizzletwister10, Apr 4, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 4, 2010
    Yesterday I had my last psychodelic experience of my life. After eating about 4.5 grams of enchanted fungi, my life emerged with a dream state. I forogt what death was, I forgot what it meant to be asleep, awake, and sober. My trip began with laughter, followed by extreme discomfort. I was forced to come home to take a shower and lay down. My human charcteristics died as I gave God all my faith to get me back to soberiety. As I laid down I felt the dimension of time and space break down to a holographic focal point. It was the Point of focus drugs were intended for. It provided me long desired balance and trust. I was my third birth as a man. I was born to my parents, born to the Father as a child, then I was born on a level I had only before dreamed about. I certainly imprinted the Fundamental fabric of reality, and felt it echo in every direction. I feel that my sweaty palms and armpits I have had all these years were a sign of anxiety for a breaking moment on the largest scale. I think that now all of my worries are gone and I have surfaced my true self. I don't see anything using a drug would do that I haven't done yet. Life really is a dream

    Who are your friends when no one you know reflects yourself? How do I lead those I love?

    Surely the stars are in line for the birth of the spirit of Christ. I am looking forward to the future so that we can all see truths unravel. The time has come for change. God has arrived, the spirit is instilled, the people have been warned.

  2. oh my god. you fell in love didnt you
  3. Tried to rep you but i always rep you too much. Your posts always hit me deep, somehow i understand what you're saying, but can never really give any input or elaborate - i guess its just a mutual understanding kind of thing? Anyways, i'm not sure why, but i feel compelled to ask if you've ever watched The Fountain - that is really the main reason i posted/attempted to rep.

    well anyways, I get what you're saying, the future (or, now) holds some very interesting things that i hope people are ready for- it seems to be becoming more prevalent, and also more apparent that others are catching on. I used to be very good at wording these kinds of things - maybe i've lost the touch, or maybe i just no longer care to convey to others that i have this certain philosophy or understanding, i've come to peace with what there is and all there is, and at this point i just like to point out to other's that i understand what they're saying when its a 'concept' like this - i wish i could have better input like i used to with expressing things like this, but i just don't see the need anymore - be easy bizzle
  4. He has risen indeed!

    So I walked then along a spiraled path. Never knowing where I was going, but loving and accepting everything. A lost wind. Intended creation, natural visitations.

    But there was much left to walk. Indeed, for there many spirals encircled round, a web of intercourse.

    Yet through the maze, of choice left blind, I know it, I see, the way.
  5. no i have not seen the fountain. i will try to rent it in the near future, if i dont say anything about it you might have to remind me. and i hope the feeling is mutual, i wish everyone felt the same way. i feel like my only work now is to resist temptation totally and to be patient with everyone and eveything. everything else will fall into place. i dont think it is a coincidence that this event happened when the stars were in line the same as they were they day Jesus rose. surely it is a divine event and it is difficult to elaborate on such a thing, especially when two people are on the same level. the right words to the right ears can secure bonds, but to the wrong ears are worthless.
  6. #6 NFloyd2357, Apr 4, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 4, 2010
    well said

    yea, i also had a very spiritual moment/revelation last night into the early morning, i actually posted a thread in here about it - i feel the same way, for a while i was anxious, and upset at the state of the world. i couldnt figure out why people were the way they were, etc etc. at this point, i've stopped trying to figure out the external, and i'm comfortable now with all the internal progress, so at this moment i'm kind of just sitting back and enjoying the ride - i've been focusing on my meditation a lot more and just trying to act more on what i know to be right, rather than knowing whats right but still being unable to act on it. i'm still too attached to material things but im working on that.

    something happened this week where i finally snapped and got upset because of all the favors i do for people, and how much i go out of my way to help others, when it seems nobody returns the favor. i've bottled it in forever and finally snapped on a friend who i feel is almost using me - but i guess now i kind of just forgive and forget, and keep going out of my way to help everyone. its a burden, and i hope that people will start returning the favors, but even if they don't, its no reason for me to stop trying to help. I don't even mind going out of my way, but when i desperately need a favor, and a friend won't help because he didn't feel like driving 20 minutes to help me out... not cool.

    this also has been one of the hardest weeks of my life, so naturally a lot has run through my mind - for a while i was saying it was the worst week-10 days of my life, and genuinely meant it, but now i've seen that it made me a better person and made me realize a lot of things i otherwise wouldn't have, so... i guess it worked out somehow.

    i'm not sure why i'm typing this or how it relates?:smoking:
    happy easter, to those who celebrate and those who don't. I'm of no faith, but i celebrate, in 2 ways. Internally, for the way i think it should be celebrated, and externally, the way my family has always celebrated (the whole big dinner and bunny rabbits and candy thing)

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