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My Substitution Experience

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by aaandy, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. #1 aaandy, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2011
    Hey there everyone, I'm usually just a lurker but decided to post this for anyone who's going to try substitution for a pre-employment drug screen. Anyways, I finally landed a well paying job after months of searching in this shitty economy. Luckily, my drug test was walk-in and I could go whenever I please but obviously I didn't want to keep my employer waiting. My Plan B was Dilution, it's pretty straight forward and can be easily searched for.

    Ace Bandage
    3oz Travel Shampoo Bottle
    Digital Thermometer
    Heatmax Toasti Toes (DO NOT GET HAND WARMERS)

    All together = ~$25

    I read up a bunch of ways to do this and I believe my method worked out very well. I basically pissed in a spare bottle I used to practice with and attached the Toasti Toes warmer to it. It's important to get the Toasti Toes because it's max temperature is roughly 109 degrees Fahrenheit whereas the Hand Warmers can get up to 140. After much testing I found the urine stabilized around 102 with the heater attached. This was regardless of whether I had already tucked it away. Therefore I did not need to bring the Digital Thermometer.

    So once I was done doing testing, I practiced wrapping the ace bandage around my upper thigh and tucking the 3oz bottle right under my crotch. I wore a little baggier jeans than usual but I was dressed to impress. After walking around I was confident it would stay secure and wouldn't be noticeable at all. So I had my friend piss for me and I was off. I measure the temp of my urine before I went it. It was 98.6 and rising. Perfect.

    The place was literally empty and I had to wait about 5-10 minutes after filling out paperwork. I walked into a back room where there were 2 bathrooms and a common area. The lady simply told me to go in the bathroom, fill the cup up past thermometer strip, and come back out and set it on the counter. I went in, closed and locked the door behind me, and poured my substitute urine in the cup while peeing simultaneously. I did this to mask the sound made by the pouring of the urine. I looked at the temp strip and my urine was above 100 degrees. I simply blew on it and swirled the cup around for about 10 seconds and it dropped a few degrees. Perfect.

    I tucked back in all my materials and then had to sign my paperwork. I was pretty nervous so I was shaky and the lady kind of glanced at me and said "good luck" at the end. I should've told her I didn't need it ;). Anyways, she handed me my Chain Of Custody form back and it says the sample met the temperature requirements and it was a split specimen collection. I walked out with a big grin on my face thinking success!

    I should be called in a few days and start by next week! Just wanted to share the good news and hopefully ease some tension that others may be experiencing! BTW, I was clean for 3 weeks, passed all of my self drug tests but did not want to risk it. Fortunately, one of my friends has never done drugs and wasn't on any current medications. I highly recommend you just get someone to pee for you if you plan on subbing. I've been reading about some labs checking for uric acid in synthetics and there's also the risk of counterfeits.

  2. this is a life saver, I am going to follow this as well
  3. I experimented with a 3 oz shampoo bottle from Walmart.. electrical tape...74 cent hot hands warmer from Walmart..cut warmer in half and tape the end on half to seal warmer...then tape the warmer at the bottom of bottle with half warmer on bottle other half hanging of end of bottle.. temp stays at 92 outside pants and 98 inside underwear for 4 hours.

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