My stove just turned on by itself?!!?!?!

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by g00dkUsh2, Oct 2, 2010.

  1. Ok so i was making iced tea with my back turned to my stove , then i hear the gas start up and the nob was twisted. i live in a small apartment and im the only one home at the moment. wtf !!!
  2. Sounds like you got some extra junk in your trunk.

  3. naw son. i wasnt even touching the stove at all.
  4. I just think you are tripping! sometimes ill close my eyes and do shit and not know what i just did when i'm "overboarding" aha.
  5. sounds like the house is haunted, better get out while you still can!

  6. lmao. i could be. but i honestly dont remember even putting my hand near the nob :O
  7. I agree.

    I think your butt is so fat you just didn't feel the knob :p

  8. werd i might be. but i dont remember at all putting my hand on the stove. then all the sudden i hear "ssssssss" from the gas stove.

  9. and i think white boys from vegas should stfu! ;)
  10. Haha I only suspect it because the same thing has happened to me, but in reverse. I accidentally turned the stove off and 20 minutes later I was like "why the fuck is my spaghetti sauce still so cold?!?". As it turns out, the fire is required for heat. Who woulda thunk it.

  11. lmfaoo. maybe i did hit it. i was scared at first like wtf!?.
  12. Were you high? It could explain a lot... If I'm really lifted sometimes it will be hard to remember things that literally just happened 10 seconds ago.

  13. nah not at all.
  14. hahaha you trippin' lol
  15. in case of haunting:
    step 1: pour a circle with salt,
    step 2: stand in circle
    step 3: you can do whatever because your safe from the ghost now

  16. i dont have a turtle?

  17. thank you. i appreciate you taking the time out of your day to explain basic ghost safety to me. LOL.
  18. ^ no worries, but it was probably just your turtle.
  19. lol at the turtle thing, i just read that thread.
  20. It's telling you to keep eating and become a fatty.

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