My story: From Start to Present

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by AmazingPudding, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. Please do not read this if you don't have a lot of time to dedicate, it's extremely long- and I don't need the obligatory "SORRY BRO, WALL OF TEXT" comment...

    Hello GC I thought I'd just like to share my story with you- not anything TOO special, but nevertheless, inspiring.

    So I am an 18 year old senior in high school; my first experience with our sacrament was second semester of my freshmen year, I distinctly remember taking that first puff and thinking honestly to myself: "What the hell am I doing?" It didn't work, (as is common for a first time smoker) and I just went to bed as my friend slept off his high, talking about the things his mind would show to him whenever he closed his eyes. I will never forget his "Holy shit it's Beyonce fucking a yellow monkey that looks like Will Smith", comment.

    I went home the next day a changed kid, wondering if my father/mother would notice, if I smelled, if my eyes were red, but completely sober... and then, nothing for 10 months...

    Fast forward to winter break of my sophomore year. It's December, cold as fuck, and my friend had just gotten an absolutely SICK deal on some chronic (5 g for $10, and yes, lest you wonder, it was legit). Next thing I know I'm taking a pull off of this beautiful glass pipe with vivid colors running through it, periodically lighting up whenever a hot streak of ash would become sucked through the bowl. So we finish up about 3 bowls between my 2 friends and me- I'm not feeling anything at all. At this point I come to the conclusion that maybe weed just doesn't "work" for me (stupid, I know). We were on the way to another friend's house for a party (walking mind you) when I was disproved.

    And how glad I am that I was.

    I stepped over a wooden wall about 3 feet high and when I got to the other side the world revealed itself to me. Suddenly my mind was quiet, all of my senses were on fire, and for the first time in my life I was really, truly high. When we got to my friend's party I realized that company intensified it. I was laughing, having a GREAT time (more so than if I had been sober... definitely) and the best part? No one knew! For some reason, my high, even for the very first time, was an incognito one. It was hilarious and extremely interesting to see the world through a different set of goggles than anyone else.

    From then on, smoking became an occasional thing to me, only reserved for special occasions... but one day I had an idea... What if I did it regularly? Say, every week? :eek:

    So I did. Every week when I got time to myself, I would kick the ass of my homework and blaze away. Solo toking usually, I would watch all kinds of stupid movies: Click, Snakes on a Plane, Ballistic: Ecks vs Sever (seriously wtf), etc.

    And you know what? NOTHING CHANGED. My grades remained rock solid at A's, pretty damn good for a full IB candidate.

    This continued for about 6 months and then summer came around... Honestly, I don't think there were 50 hours I spent continuously sober. I did my community service high (in order to graduate IB, one has to accomplish 150 hours of community service by the end of senior year), I went to sleep high, and when I woke up I took huge monster motherfucking rips, it was great... and then it got better.

    One day I was driving with my father when he looked down at my cup holder.

    "It's not good to have this in here." he said, picking up a seed from the cup holder and eying it.

    "We'll talk about this later."

    The next hour was spent worrying if he was going to kick my ass or not. When we got back into the car he had this to say: “I know you've been smoking for a while, and I just want to let you know that it can be an impediment in life, but I'm not going to tell you what you can and can't do with your body.”

    I was stunned.

    \tI immediately phoned my friends, told them what was up- they were shocked as well.

    \tNothing really changed to be honest, life went on as usual, my father couldn't express his views in the house because of my mother (that bitch is NOT cool with it, even though she used to smoke cigs, and drinks her ass off, she is such a motherfucking annoying drunk), so the downlow activity continued.

    \tI decided one day to try a grow “operation”. Haha, I took some badgseed of some orange kush and threw it in a pot outside. Literally, I did nothing to it and it grew, progressing to a solid foot- a few weeks later my father found it.

    “Top it”


    \tHe explained to me what topping was and shared other hints of growing, mentioning how you could modify the plant so that it grew horizontally more than it would vertically, resulting in more of a bush than a tree (this is advantageous because I live in a Texas suburb- super conservative). As he was explaining this to me my mother came out, bitching about how the cable was out or something- she caught sight of the plants. She specifically asked if it was marijuana and my father and I both said no, explaining to her how it was growing everywhere and how she could go check if she wanted, haha, so oblivious. Unfortunately my father and I recognized this as the end of my grow “operation” and we proceeded to rip the plants up :(

    \tThen a few weeks later, something horrible happened.

    \tAfter the plant episode my father informed me that since school was fast approaching and that since my mother was “on” to me, it was time to quit... So I did what any sensible person would do...

    I did.

    I packed up my bong after my last session of the summer, and not wanting to bring it into the house, I hid it behind the garbage cans for retrieving later. Bad idea.

    \tNow it should be mentioned that my father wasn't “okay” with the idea of me smoking, moreover he was just not in a position to stop me. So when he found my beautiful 16 incher in a felt bag, this was a signal to him that the herb was overtaking my life. So he broke it. The son of a bitch broke it. Not only did he break it though, he proceeded to inform my mother of my habits, effectively betraying me.

    \tThe next few MONTHS were horrible. I wasn't allowed out, I wasn't entitled to anything at all, no friends, no car (outside of driving to school), hell, I wasn't even allowed to work! I was basically on probation, and was informed that if it happened again, the police would be called and I would be taken away in hand-cuffs, all because I chose to smoke marijuana...

    \tSo I stayed clean for a while. Life went on, nothing really changed, it was just a whole lot more boring than usual. My mother insisted on sending me to rehab, even after I informed her that the path to marijuana addiction is different and mild for most but pretty much non-existent for me. I gave her facts, I clipped articles, emailed her columns, made her watch TV whenever they aired a pot centric segment, not even knowing if the piece would cast it in a positive or negative light, but nevertheless, her reasons were rooted in morals rather than rationalism. I now had to cope with the fact that my own mother was, and still is, the epitome of what I consider to be a close-minded bigot, and because of this I hold absolutely no respect for her to this day. If it were to be something as simple as “Look, I know it's not that bad, but I don't want you doing it in the house, and I don't want you to put your future at risk.” I would have understood, but no. It was the worst buying in to propaganda I have ever seen.

    \tMonths later, when I was finally allowed out, I was hanging with some friends when they asked if I had a connect. I told them I did and gave them a ride to some apartments to pick up some mids. Mind you, they were extreme noobs, and I ended up not even toking with them, but just watching. Eventually, they munched out and went to Whataburger and on the way home my very stoned friend tossed me the sack and told me to keep it.

    “I heard what happened man, that is the worst kind of fucked up.”

    \tI insisted that he keep it but he held fast, reinforcing his point that I needed it more than he did. So I figured what the hell, I kept what was left (a solid dime's worth) and threw it in my lockbox where it sat for a week.

    \tSo one day, while the rents were out, I figured what the hell, and proceeded to light up for the first time in about 4 months.

    Here comes that feeling I thought I'd forgotten!

    \tFrom then on it was an occasional thing... but then, just like I had done almost a year prior I thought to myself: “What if I did it every week?” :eek:

    So I did.

    \tAnd then one day while I was sitting in class learning about ideal gas laws, properties of pressure and their proportions to temperature, number of moles, and volume (I know, I remember the exact thing we were talking about when this wonderful thought popped into my head, lol) I thought to myself:

    “What if I did it every DAY?” :eek:

    \tNow you must understand, this was an extreme thought to me at the time because it would include attending classes high, something that was unheard of in my circle of friends. You see, not to brag, but the program that I am in in high school (IB) is full of straight edged kids who are afraid of PICTURES of weed. So naturally, being the only candidate who smoked, this information made its way around my class of 49 extremely fast, and to this day I wonder who leaked the information, considering I had told no one.

    \tSo it was an absolute shock to all when I came to school absolutely blundered. The teachers didn't know how to respond, the students could not believe that this stoner kid, this cocky son of a bitch who smoked weed every single day could maintain his prestige. It was so hilarious. At one point after my physics final as I was walking back to the classroom from the bathroom my teacher pulled me aside. He looked PISSED.

    Teach: “[Insert my name here],” he said. "I can not believe you would have so little respect for me that you would come to my class so obviously under the influence of marijuana (no joke he phrased it JUST LIKE THAT). If you hadn't have made the grade you made on my exam I would have to report you to the office.”

    Me (so baked): “No way you already graded them? That was fast what did I make?”

    \tBut the son of a bitch refused to tell me, saying it wasn't fair that I should get my grade before anyone else. So I went home and checked, he hadn't posted them on the online gradebook yet. Needless to say though, I was more than happy when one day I came home and saw that I had made a 98 on it :yay:.

    \tSo to place where we are in the timeline now, this was December of last year, extremely recent. At this point going to school high was nothing special to me and the semester was winding down. Needless to say I indulged on the herb during the break, smoking up to 3 times a day, chillin, maxin, relaxin and cool.

    \tChristmas comes and passes when a challenge comes along. Now I should mention that I did have my critics. People (fellow students) who would insist that I was limiting myself, killing myself, becoming an addict. That last one really pissed me off, because as we all know weed isn't (relatively) addicting. So one day I was talking to one of them:

    Asshole: “You shouldn't do that to yourself, it kills braincells”
    Me: (looking over at the stack of collegiate letters on my desk) “Tell that to my GPA”
    Asshole: “Well maybe the effects haven't kicked in yet? Besides, it's clear that you are more than addicted”
    Me: “How many times do I have to tell you that I can quit whenever I want?”
    Asshole: “You can quit whenever you want huh? Well then how about you quit right now.”
    Me: “Okay, how long”
    Asshole: (Visibly shaken that I had actually accepted quitting) “Uh, 2 weeks”
    Me: (Secretly glad that she didn't say “forever”) “Make it three”

    \tSo now here I am, present day sirs and madams. It's January 17, 2010- two weeks into my 3 week T-break. I've been using the extra sobriety time to get stuff done around the house, cleaning, organizing, home improvement, etc. Everyone at my school is just as stunned that I'm NOT smoking now as they were when I began to, hahaha, I can honestly not wait till I start back up though. January 26, is my target date, needless to say it will be an experience.

    If you've made it to the end, congrats on hopping over my HUGE wall of text, I appreciate you reading. While this may not be the most exciting story, I mostly just wanted to get this down on electronic paper so that I have some memories to retreat to.

    Thanks, GC- love you all blades!
  2. Haha congrats on proving that bitch wrong!
  3. #3 Dicey, Jan 18, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2010
    Brilliantly written. I must say, that was quite an enjoyable read.

    I'm glad to read that you're in control of who you are as a person, and what you make of yourself in relation to the herb. It's good to be true to yourself, and not take any bullshit from those that try to derail you.

    Congratz on your current T-break, I myself am on one too (albeit, a much shorter one, but one nonetheless). Keep it up; it'll be all the more sweeter once it's over.


    ^^ Yes, prove that bitch wrong. +rep.
  4. I rolled up a blunt just to read this. props.
  5. nice read bro and good job keepin' your shit together.
  6. nice story bro, but you'd probably be better off to hold your shit together , and maybe use some eyedrops , spray etc. so that they don't know if you're high or not. atleast it keeps them guessing haha
  7. I'd give it the Oprah Club sticker in a minute.
  8. Good stuff man. I presume you have some good oratory skills along with your written ones. I wouldn't mind rolling a blunt and kicking it with you one day. Glad to see not all high schoolers use "z" in the places of "s".

    Any ideas where you'll be headed towards for college?
  9. Good story man.
  10. What an excellent read!

    I LOLed at the second time you said “What if I did it every week?” haha

    So well written and I'm glad to see someone in high school holding it together (and exceeding expectations). It always pisses me off when stoners promote the negative stereotype. (usually the younger kids)
  11. Holy shit...
    I will never skim over or not read a wall of text EVER again.
    I was contemplating reading this but after reading this, I could say I would have regretted a lot if I didn't.

    Your story is quite frankly almost equivalent to mine, just with different minor details. What really got me though, was you talking about your mom and the loss of respect for her.

    Even though our moms went on the dictator route, it's still hard to say you lost respect for your mom. She is your mom and she is the one who raised you for all these years. However, when she doesn't let you make the decision of smoking some herb, when she herself was a raging alcoholic in the past, that, is truly fucked up in my opinion.

    And I can relate to you with the school thing too. We don't have IB at my school but we do have AP courses. You could say 5/7 classes I have are AP Classes and they are super hard but I still did pretty well even while still smokin.

    Your story needs to be heard by others as it is the sheer reality of growing up.

    Let's finish our last year of HS with the courage knowing that the future will be brighter.

    Thanks for the read, and good luck on your last week!

    EDIT: That was my 100th post. Lol
  12. #12 AmazingPudding, Jan 18, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2010
    Thanks for all the comments guys!

    As for colleges I've been accepted into several! Of course here in Texas we have A&M, UT, Baylor, and all that jazz, but I'd really really love to go out of state.

    Probably the most interesting part is that there is a college in HOLLAND that is offering me a solid $40,000 scholarship, but I don't know if this is the best option because there are some other schools here in the America (University of Washington in St. Louis, St. Mary's College of Maryland, Maine Maritime Academy- although I don't know how fitting that last one is, seeing how I'm aiming for a major in Law or Engineering) that are offering me monetary incentives up to $60,000. It's really tough, on one hand it would be a lot easier because here in the states I could probably get a full ride to any of those schools depending on how I score on my AP/IB tests (which are laughably easy) but on the other hand it's Holland! The cultural incentive is huge!

    Needless to say, it's an exciting time :)
  13. cool story man, i read the whole thing. Your my hero for real, get mad good grades AND smoke weed! damn :hello:
  14. I like how you challenged the asshole by throwing another week in there!
    Interesting read mangus.
  15. ahhh that was a nice read, thanks for sharing!
  16. great story man, it was very enjoyable to read and it's interesting to see the similarities my high school smoking life has had with yours

    by the way, what is an IB?
  17. That was great man. I used to go to a few ap classes high, but damn, props to you.

  18. Thank you sir! IB (International Baccalaureate) is an accelerated high school program in the same vein as AP (Advanced Placement). Basically it was founded in Geneva to cater to students whose family would travel around the world. Mainly for the children of military generals and other high ranking officers, it was founded so that if a candidate were to travel from say Geneva, Switzerland to Dallas, Texas, he would resume the course in the exact place where he left off.

    It's hard, very hard- hard to the point that it is written in Texas law that any IB graduate is guaranteed 24 credit hours into any Texas University. Here's a link with some more info.

    International Baccalaureate (IB)
  19. Good read and good job standing up to all those cmp's !

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