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My Stash :)

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Patient007, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. Hello,
    Im a Cali MMJ Patient down in san diego
    Im mostly into heavy indicas/indica dominant hybrids, but fancy a sativa that gets you energized and creative.
    Heres what I have now for indica
    Private reserve
    head band

    Lavender Kush

    Laker Kush

    And for Sativa I have blue dream

    i picked up an 1/8 of blueberryxgoo from this greenhouse organic place...(10$ 1/8 for new patients) Prices are legit if you are a CA MMJ Patient. g/10 1/8-$40 1/4-$60 1/2oz. -$100 and sale on blueberry for $170 for an oz. san diegos finest care. not the best appearance or aroma of indoor but its pretty legit. will get pics up soon.
  2. I want some lavender
  3. Nice stash man. I just finished up some CO lavender this week. I looooove it hahahahahaha
  4. I would love to find those prices in long beach. at least the quarter and half oz prices you mentioned
  5. Thanks guys, they smoked really good.

    Heres what I picked up on Valentines day...just mary and I.

    Purple Great Hybrid. Well manicured bud. Dark green with lots of orange hair and very dense. One of the most stickiest nugs I have attempted to pull apart. Inside was magnificent...vibrant purple covered in crystals and very full bodied. Excellent head rush with a relaxing bodily high. Gets you creative. Good for night and day time.


    Next I chose an Indica, Banana Kush. Not a tight dense nug but the buds were thick and had the same squishy feel as popcorn, but it popped back into form. Trichomiliscious buds. It had a fresh banana leaf scent with a hint of kush as you break it apart.


    Lastly, I chose Platinum OG KUSH. This was a lower priced one, but was the heaviest indica out of the three. A bowl would get me stuck on my bed. It was sort of "airy", but amazing kush smell.


    I also picked up a quad (hooked up since it was the last of the guys SOUR OG OUTDOOR) for 40. I got a little more than 8Gs so I broke them up and rolled about 7 good size 100m joints. Wasnt too pretty so I didnt bother with pics. Smelled kind of like old piss until you broke it up. Has a slight OG KUSH aroma and was a bit sticky.

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