my spiritual enlightenment

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by bizzletwister10, Apr 23, 2009.

  1. last night something very strange happened to me. i have recently developed a thirst for knowledge for deep subjects, such as quantum physics and the inner spirit. i have recently been enlightened and it is the greatest thing to ever happen to me. i had never had a spiritual contact, until last night. i was pretty high and very tired as i was laying in bed. as i lay on my back, my body becomes completely relaxed and my mind began to doze, then all the sudden i am awoken. i feel a vibe though out my entire body. i am sure i felt it and did not imagine it, as it was a strong, unmistakable pulse. as i was pulled away from my doze i was being pulled into the energy. i felt as if my state of relaxation had tuned me into an "open channel" available for a connection from another source. i could litterly feel it as a wave of energy, it called me spiritually and attracted my entire body physically and consciencely. this pulse took over my body from toe to head. i could feel it spread through out me. it made me slightly hot, but extremely comfortable. my breath was being controlled by and, and was slow and very soft. my heat beat seemed to become one with it and all i wanted was for it to take me over. my body reached a state of complete ecstasy and i was one with all in the galaxy. as i would try to fall asleep multiple times within the next hour or more, this would continue to occur each time. the pulse was very alive and a very positive energy. i know it was from another source, because i could feel it in every moment. i feel very very strongly as if that pulse was sent to me from a higher being. i felt very alive, and very aware of a higher spirit.

    i told my friend about this and he said something similar happened to him when he was locked up and he learned how to meditate. he said he saw his own face, and i saw my face a night before the experience.

    what does this mean?
    have events similar to this been reported?

    i was not a spiritual person 2 monthes ago. through this recent thirst for knowledge i have developed and my life has changed. i am a very normal be honest i am one of the most popular kids in the high school, very successful in athletics and academics. i have plenty of friends and am not ever lonely. i do not know why all the sudden i have this spiritual calling, but i feel as if i am one of many chosen ones from a higher being. i have an undeniable feeling that a huge change is about to occur and the world, as well has humanity will never be the same. a large series of major global catastrophes will occur as our planet enters the other side of the galaxy in 2012. when we enter "the dark side," all things will fall apart and all will suffer, but the call of the righteous will be heard and we shall be saved. i believe i am of a new generation of spiritual leaders and growing to become a stronger person everyday preparing my body and soul for carrying out the word of god on a larger scale, as that is my assignment. i have transformed recently for what i feel is a very, very important reason. i do not believe in any certain religion, but i believe the majority are the same and equal. but i feel that knowing the inner spirit is what is truly important. i want the entire world to experience the spirit of the lord. i do not believe in church and i have no religious friends, i have brought all of this upon myself. i am not asking anyone to to the spirit today.hange, i am simply asking for consideration of my word. opening your heart to the lord is the greatest thing any man can ever achieve.
  2. A lot of people are begginning to open their eyes to philosophy, the search for TRUTH and WISDOM. I know where your comin from bretheren. Im a relativily normal guy, until about 5 months ago, I was just awakened. I don't know what happened, but all of a sudden im endulged in metaphysics and virtually everything revolving around life. We all have the feeling that we were chose, that we are special in a way. Sort of that of a Solipsist, believing we are the only ones who will be enlightened or are truely worthy, ect.

    Maybe the chosen ARE being awakened, for the spiritual transition of 2012.:smoking:
  3. #3 SaladFingers, Apr 23, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 23, 2009
    I screen capped this, just in case you become a prophet.

    this sounds intense. I've been catholic my whole life, I've prayed countless rosaries and thousands of other prayers to myself.. and haven't had any kind of experience like this. Seems fucking nuts.
  4. #4 AshTRE, Apr 23, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 24, 2009

    Everything you said was a joke, honestly. This has to be the most psuedo-intellectual thing I've ever seen. You think you are of a higher power than everyone else? Kid, you fail.

    Hey, you certainly don't have to believe anything anyone says in the S&P section. You can refute the experience as much as you want, but you have to respect the individual as part of the normal GC rules.
    -Palmer Eldritch
  5. #5 bizzletwister10, Apr 23, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 23, 2009
    i will probably never meet anyone on grasscity, so i am really not trying to impress anybody.
  6. Man is just sharing some of the resonance he has directly or indirectly sensed from the lovely lady. Let him be :)

  7. you need to shut the fuck up and take a class on how to be nice.
  8. eh i think he should take a class on how not to be a douchebag first, and then on one on how to be nice.

    and also man, i know how you feel.

    i have immersed myself lately in the world of psionics...
    if you want to learn more about the world...
    thats the way to go.

    Telekinesis, telepathy, astral projection, precognition (seeing the future) all those things are real (trust me i've done telekinesis and precognition, my dad has done astral projection, so its not a lie).

    if you want to become even more aware and enlightened... do a lot of reading on psionics.. even if you don't believe it, interesting things to read and learn, nonetheless.
  9. im nopt denying thsi was a powerful experience for you, but cmon
    your just assuming some higher being contacted you?
    I have had a similar experience and I just pass it off as having to do with DMT, especially with the sleeping and all
    perhaps you should look into it
  10. it was not a feeling, it was an overwhelming sense. i can understand why someone may have trouble comprehending my experience, but as fake it may sound to you, it was the realest experience i have ever had. i promise you i am making no assumptions, i am trying to clearly express what exactly i make it more understandable, the energy communicated with me in a way i have never communicated. it communicated with feeling, it was like i was being told by a sensation. even if it was caused by dmt, that doesnt mean that it was not from a higher power. the most odd thing about my self enlightenment is that i am leading myself down this road. i am pulled simply by free will and desire to do so, for a reason i am unaware of. my life is changing every day.
  11. psionics psionics psionics
  12. If everyone was like you, no one would ever learn anything.
  13. honestly, you cannot expect to learn new ideas if you automatically label them bullshit simply because you cannot relate to it. if you only wanted to learn what you excepted and understand, you will never explore the vast amount of knowledge and power within simply because you are scared to be anything except for narrow minded. you want truth to exist precisely how you understand it, therefor disabling yourself of growing spiritually. like i said, by experience was in faith, and if you dont have it, you dont have it. i am simply offering my belief, respecting you, but encouraging you to actually listen to my word, and try to benefit from it. i am not selfishly making this up for my own entertainment, i am only sharing my personal experience and wisdom in effort to create a better world.
  14. alright bud. I've never learned anything before :rolleyes:
  15. That's what I was getting at, too :rolleyes:
  16. AshTRE, if you have some reasons for not believing the OP that would make for an interesting debate, then post them. But if you are just going to ridicule him, you might as well move on...

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