I see a lot of people on here talking about the nwo, chemtrails, corruption, etc. My take on it is that some people tend to go overboard on the whole situation, but there are grains of truth in there. For instance people started talking about brain washing chemicals and crap coming out of the contrails, but there was one video posted about how organic farmers are having trouble dealing with the aluminum they are dropping (the government has confirmed this). The video focused on a organic farmer who talked about how the genetically modified food is actually resistant to stuff like aluminum contamination. Awhile ago there was also a big thing about how they are tightening regulation on private farmers, to stop diseases and such from spreading. I couldn't help but wonder if they had some kind of ulterior motive to their actions, especially since it is well known that those diseases are caused by cramped disgusting large-scale commercially operated farms. I can't help but think that they are trying to push us towards being more dependent on government controlled farms. I could talk forever about all the little things that have been happening recently, but that would really be a waste of time. Essentially I am beginning to believe that the government is tightening their grip on us. I don't believe it is that far fetched to believe that they would benefit from increased control on the population. The benefits for the government would be endless if they had complete control tax increases, stricter regulations, etc. could be instated with little consequence. Feel free to post what your opinions are on the subject, I would love to have some feedback.
The government has put a strangle hold on society for some time now, and its so twisted and skewed at this point, the only strategy would to go back all the way to square one... You'd need to basically re-do everything, turn the hands of time back a long time ago and restart with a clean slate. Call me whatever you'd like but something feels like its about to be let outta the box and only then, Shit will Hit the Fan. I just have that intuition but thats my p.o.v, so everyone can simply brush it off because I dont matter and neither does my statements. This is Life...
I feel sorry for myself and all the poor bastards in the box who have just researched themselves insane on this stuff, theres something there people, anyone whos taken the time out to look into it for a couple months can figure that out, But the point isnt to say that they are definitely doing anything more than any of the rest its just to consider all things equally. The government is disgusting in my opinion.
Exactly we are not trying to say that some robot army, controlled by the Forbes 100 will come out and rape everyone. However there are a lot of are a lot of odd things going on that seem to be opting for further control over the population's lives. Just look at this crazy fucking story. ‘Telepathic Ray Guns’ and Vaporized Shoes: The Truth is Weirder Than You Think | Danger Room | Wired.com
There is no conspiracy to control everyone. The government is mostly people who think they are doing their jobs and are trying to make the world a better place. Example: You work for the FDA. Your job is to make sure that food from all farms in America is safe. Would you rather monitor 25,000 small, privately-owned farms, or would your job be easier if you only had to monitor 25 massive farms? Many would call you a conspirator and accuse you of wanting to poison them with mind control chemicals, when really you are just trying to make shit simpler. The government is great; people who complain about the government have no concept of what life would be like without it. It could definitely be better but the government is not entirely evil. Only the DMV is entirely evil. And yeah, no shit, the people with the most money have the most control. Nothing new there, folks.
Nah. I dont think that anyone who has followed what is happening in the world with an information source outside the American media can say our government wants to make the world a better place. The Bush(Dick Cheney) regime did not want a better world. They wanted power and to push their agenda on the world. Mabye in their crazy minds they thought they were making the world a better place but that is obviously not the case if you look at all the unconstitutional executive orders they pushed through.
On December 21, 2012 none of this real world bullshit will matter, time to grab the guns and bunker down!!
I am not saying they are putting chemicals that mind control us. I am saying that they want to make the food sources easier to control and capture if need be.
Wrong the mayan calender does not refer to a literal end of the world. This is going to be just like the fiasko when people though all tech will fail
I read not too long ago about solar flares. Turns out that a big enough one could cause such a massive EMP that all the Earth's technology would be fried. If that happens all those in power sure would want all their supplies in a couple, easily managed and protected areas.
The government actually encases their important tech in lead so that emp's wouldn't effect them. If only the government had tech, then we can all be sure that they would charge way too much for food and water and would hike taxes to above %50. At that point we would really be pretty useless against the powers that be. There are about 4 main scenarios for things that could happen. One the economy could crash so bad that money is essentially useless (this has happened in other countries before). Two people start revolting and everyone starts looting and life falls into anarchy. Three a foreign superpower such as China invades us for our oil and land. And four an emp or plague like virus hits us due to terrorists or a country that wants us out of the way. Me and my friend actually have a big plan for any kind of shitty situations like the ones I listed. First we make sure that we have survival gear, ammo, guns, seeds (both weed and food), water, and bows and arrows stocked. Then we go into the Montana wilderness (my friend was trained in how to snipe by his ex-Vietnam sniper father), and set up camp. Meat has most of the vitamins you need to live, and if we don't hunt any food that day there is always fishing. We will keep a fire going for warmth during the cold months and will pack plenty of winter clothing. During the warm months we will grow food and weed to supplement our diets and in the case of weed give us something to do. The idea is basically to survive until things calm down and become livable again.