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my smoking life sucks

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by samsmokindro, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. :mad::mad::mad:it sucks buying weed you cant trust anyone, i wish i could just buy it online without my parents noticeing. even that would be hard to trust the online dealer you buy in from. ughh im pist . i spent 40$ dollars on weed that way a long as 2 quarters and about 2 centimeters thick. and spent 30 on weed as big as 1 quater and about 2 centimeters thick. fuck i suck at this..
  2. I don't understand your measurements.
    Buy a scale.
    And if you can't buy a scale then you are much too young.
    Amazon is great for that stuff just ask for gift cards for birthday or buy one from a store.
  3. purchase some scales mate, sorts out all those problems...

    if your dealers really are shit i'd suggest finding others ... can take years to establish strong contacts, don't give up yet!
  4. hey i see your from illinois too... where at in IL?
  5. Well you don't have online cannabis dealers. There are fake buds you can buy but they dont really do anything. Just don't front money to people. Examine your purchase if you do not like it refuse it. If it is a matter of not finding a dealer and the only guy you know is ripping you off then stop buying from him dont waste your money

  6. you are seriously sounding like your 15 years old. nobody measures bud in "quarters" dude.
  7. what suckmynug said lol^

    But seriously, rule #1 of purchasing is to NEVER EVER EVER
    in a million years
    front money.
    Just dont do it.

    Have the sack in your hands, smell it, inspect it(dont touch it, just look carefully), and if you like it, THEN hand over the cash.

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