My smoking buddy is done =/

Discussion in 'General' started by Roofz, May 3, 2008.

  1. So my friend calls me today and tells me he has some bad news. Turns out his girlfriend is making him quit smoking. Now, this guy has been my best friend for about 12 years and if I'm not smoking alone, I'm smoking with him.

    Such a depressing day... :(
  2. ah, you guys can still hang out.. It boggles me why girlfriends always do this
  3. When they break up he will start smoking again every time someone in a relationship makes someone do something like that they break up soon in my personal experience unless it for there kid.
  4. be happy for him. he is no longer a slave for mj.
  5. Hah yeah of course we'll still hang out, it just sucks that our smoking adventures will be put on hold.
  6. Find some new friends, I've had close friends who toke come and go all the time. I just find new friends or fuck it and blaze it all to myself.:bongin:
  7. oh, but its better to be a slave to his girl? at least MJ is loyal.

    OP, man...i hate it when people let girls control them. people shouldnt change themselves just for a girl...
  8. I let a girl change me...just once, and only once. After that I lost a good friend of 10 years.

    Never do it again.
  9. whipped? hah. Eh, really though - don't take it hard. You guys will still be friends - will he mind if you smoke infront of him? I mean, it's not like he'll be too tempted or anything

    edit- whatsup heinous! long time no talk
  10. you need to slap this guy back to reality.....[​IMG]
  11. With my first girl ever I was whipped...oh, how I was whipped. Cut to years later, and no whippage. My girl and I are in great harmony. Give each other plenty of space, chill out when we can, etc. Its been going great. :)

    Opivy! Damn...been awhile. :)
  12. hell be back. lol they always come back
  13. yea, so how ya been? I forget where you were going with the wooff thing, but how'd that go? I still plan on going to the czech republic soon.

    oops not to de-rail the thread... But yea, he'll be smoking again in no time - i'm sure of it. It's not hard to sneak it, we've all done it
  14. thats why u need to find a girl that will smoke bud with u..
  15. ooooh thats funny
  16. that was wat my friend had done to him and last night he broke up with her so guess wat we did last night :D:smoking:
  17. Girls do it because they don't want any competition for the guy's attention. If he's your best friend and you have been smoking with him for a long time, what's the best way to ensure that you won't see him nearly as much?

    You got it--Throw a fit about him smoking.

    I really shouldn't judge, though, simply because I don't know any of you cats, but that's the way it's worked most of the time with the people I've known.

    On the other hand, I just don't like girls who aren't willing to accept me as I am. Call me crazy, but I'm not sure what value a relationship has when it goes down like your friend's.
  18. Sorry to hear that dude. You can still hang with him though.

    Just like anything else in the world, people are allowed to my their own decisions. The tricky part is learning to accept it when it differs from the way you normally think.

    My girlfriend loves to smoke as much as I do.

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