Ive smoked for about 3 years off and on. About 1 year ago became a heavy daily smoker. Started using it to help me in school. I think I have ADD and it makes me focus a TON better. Ive since been making A's and B's in school where before I was failing. Go to class high everyday and take tests stoned. Its not very noticable by other people. Only the ones who really know me good. I never smell like bud because I change clothes, toke outside, or bake cookies and eat them in class... So the government really screwed me a little while back....I got busted 2 times. 1st time I was sitting in my car listening to music and rolling a blunt. Was about to take a ride through the country to smoke it. At the time I was living in a college dorm so I couldnt smoke there. If I were to get busted smoking on campus I get kicked out of school...Only option was the car or smoke off campus outside....So anyways, while I was rolling up, some cop pops up at my window outta nowhere. Bud was sitting right in my lap and there was no way to hide it. He saw the weed immediately. So he searched my car but I only had the one blunt. Got a ticket for possesion..... Then a couple weeks later, I went to an empty public park to smoke. NOONE was there. I startes smoking a blunt and 2 cop cars rolled up while I was only halfway done with the blunt. As soon as I saw them I crumpled it up and tossed it in the grass. They started hasselin me and asking questions. I was pretty blazed and kept my cool pretty well but they could tell something was up...They both got out and walked up. They smelled bud in the air and started searching me. I had a roach in my pocket from earlier and they found it. Ended up getting another ticket for possesion.... So I went to court for both charges and I got a year probation. Supervised with minimum 4 months random piss tests, 30 hours community service, and $1600 in fines....OMG thats alot of money for 2 blunts!!! So I had to stop smoking to pass the tests. Ive been clean and passing the tests for 3 months now....I need to smoke pretty bad. I seriously want some bud....After the 4 months is up, I pay the fines, and do community service, I can go onto UNsupervised probation for the last 6 months. I THOUGHT they were gonna stop testing me after 4 months was up, BUT I asked my PO today about it and she said they would still be testing me until I pay my fines and go onto unsupervised probation....AAAHHH!!! i still owe $1300 and I was hoping I would be able to smoke after this 4th month was up even if I was still on supervised! I can pay the rest, but it will pretty much take ALL my money. Dont want to have to pay! I want to smoke!! This is total bullshit!! So now I am thinking about trying to cheat these piss tests so I can smoke....what do I do? Pay all the money and be broke....or cheat the tests??
I'd pay the money and be broke. Cheating the tests is a risk you don't want to have to take, always have to worry about whether it will work or not every time, etc... I've got friends that were so convinced the ways they tried to cheat worked and been put in jail for failing, have one friend who's tried about every detox product he could get his hands on and still failed, despite "guarentee's"...he even had something like 4 months in rehab for failing...
ya man pay it up and then ur free bro check u smoke up u can get caught u dont smoke up but pay the fine well ur broke but just work for ur money and u have nothing to wrry bout. good luck to u man would u rahter be a fee man and smoke ? or would u rahter smoke , try and be all carefull to not get caught and not be a free man? i say be free man
I agree... You're never going to get a good enough head's-up as to when they'll test - It's not worth it. I know somebody (lives in Arizona) who was on probation after serving a little time. He was 18, his girlfriend was 16 - they had sex (consentual) and her parents found out about it and pressed charges. So, he's out and still on probation - gets stoned out of his mind on his 21st birthday... They popped over and tested him - of course it came out positive. Now he's going to prison for 4 years. It sucks, especially because that's not even what he got busted for the first time around. You've handled it this long... I'm sure it really sucks - my husband has ADD and uses pot to make him "normal". In fact we laugh about it because he turns into a total asshole if he doesn't have any. But, man, if you get busted, you're not going to see it again for even longer than the time you've got left if you get put in jail for it. I wish you luck...