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My Sister not happy.

Discussion in 'General' started by grassboy, Jun 10, 2009.

  1. My Sister stayed at my place last night with her boyfriend and little daughter. I had some friends round, got wasted and look what happened to the poor childs toy:


    Forgot to clear everything up and they found it in the morning. The doll is really hot I wish it was lifesize then i could have some real fun.
  2. So you'd fuck a lifesize amputee doll?
  3. If she seduced me yes.
  4. thats pretty fucked up man. haha
  5. #5 sensimil, Jun 10, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 10, 2009
    what a dirty whore!
  6. Not a fan of fake titties...
  7. Isnt that nudity?
  8. lol, i just stared at that doll for like 5 minutes analyzing it carefully. :smoking:
  9. If I'm not mistaken is that Papst Blue Ribbon I see in the background. That shit is good.
  10. actually man, that doll has to be the sexiest doll i've ever seen... gotta say i'm with you on that one..
  11. kind looks like amy whinehouse before rehab...
    id hit it:cool:
    and id be pist too if i was that little girl.
  12. Haha that is actually hilarious.
  13. Wait... that was a childs toy?

    Look at teh nips on that thing!

  14. Kinda looks like amy winehouse after rehab too HAHA

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