My Sheldon Black collection.... and more!

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by bluntbravo, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. #1 bluntbravo, Jan 24, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 9, 2010
    om nom nom. hope you guys appreciate, took me a while to take all these pics and upload em!

    got my hands on some sheldon blacks! brand new company! really high class! i believe they are blown by dementia ( in california.


    ph(x)(sold to a friend), us tubes, sheldon black


    ph(x) (no longer mine!)

    black label us tubes (heavy duty thickness)



    one of a kind (one of the first 8arm sheldons made) 8arm sheldon black (my baby)

    sheldon black, sheldon black, sheldon black, lux, roor

    blue label sheldon black 5arm downstem bubbler (my baby)

    red label sheldon black fixed 6arm downstem bubbler


    black label 24" triple perc lux

    custom blown flame polished 18" roor
  2. wassup with that one with the huge joint
  3. yeah man that shits tight, i always liked the toro ones also, im assuming that the sheldon will have other downstems like that one toro did?

  4. It has a removable perc downstem so it needs the big joint.

    OP are those bubblers the same but with different labels?
  5. ^ one bub has a removable downstem and the other is fixed.
  6. interesting, it seems as though Sheldon Black improved or at least changed the standard mouthpieces that come with the bubblers, also, mine appears exactly the same as the red label, but mine has 6 percs instead of 5, and the label is a reflective black color...

    when did you pick those up? and where?
  7. is it just me but is there no label on the sheldon black beaker
  8. it's got an etched S B logo on it, hard to see....
  9. Nice. Would question the general functionality of the removable perc tho, would require the beaker to be tilted when being hit, no?
  10. daesonn - My red bubb could be a 6 percs instead of 5, I assumed it had 5 since my blue sheldon black with the removable downstem has 5. Also, the mouthpiece is diff for the removable/non-removable perc bubblers.... The red fixed perc bubbler has a smaller mouthpiece. Got em all from a friend of a friend who works at Dementia, the store that stocks Sheldon Blacks.

    fishoutofwater - the SB logo is etched all the way down to the female joint.

    ng_hammy - Yes, you have to tilt the beaker bottom water pipe when ripping it... but not the bubblers ;)
  11. yeah i see it now.

    is it one of the est.2010 ones or the newer 1988 ones?
  12. the water pipe itself says est. 1988 but the bowl says 2010.
  13. Viva La Nation! :cool:
  14. nice collection. love the SBs. but isn't that lux a double perc with a splashguard, not a triple perc?
  15. cant find any US tubes like anywhere online...if bfg got em i dont have a password for that place :(
  16. great collection man, that 8 arm SB must be sooo smooth
  17. Once you go sheldon black you never go back!
  18. thats funny i try to google some shops selling sheldon black and only got links to forums of people asking for sheldon black but told to google it.:smoking:
  19. If you don't mind my asking, why 2 bubblers? Are the only differences is label color and that one is 5 arm and the other is 6? Are they even that different in smoothness or hit type or anything?
  20. this man throwin curveballs

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