My setup and want to add CARBON filter plz look<<

Discussion in 'Grow Room Design/Setup' started by morgoth148, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. #1 morgoth148, Jan 22, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 22, 2010
  2. I like to DIY as much as I can but when it comes to the filter I bought one pre-made.

    After reading though Mordgrow's threads about 2-3 years back (he had an awesome set-up going) I saw that he got busted by the authorities because he didn't have a good and proper filter and the dead skunk in his basement gave him away.

    You may be able to mask the smell with a couple of those big odor absorbing gel air fresheners you can get in the automotive section of Walmart.
  3. thanks for the input , know of any cheap ones for maybe a 6 inch ducting?
  4. 6" Inline Carbon Air Scrubber on Ebay. This is a really good price!

    Dude, you need some good nutrients A.S.A.P! I saw your grow and you might need to check the ph of your runoff water. Looks like phosphorus poisoning due to ph lockout. You need to get this in check or you won't need the carbon scrubber!
    Water with distilled water or if you have an R/O filter in the house use that water. Take the plant to the sink a flush it with just water. 2-3 times the amount of water that your pot will hold. If you have a 1 gal pot then use 2-3 gallons of water to flush. Use distilled or R/O water. let all the excess run out into the sink until it stops dripping then put it back and don't give it anything until the top 2 inches of your soil is dry. Then you can start using the proper nutrients. You don't need alot of money for basic nutes, about 16-18 bucks for some Fox Farm grow big. Or just get a generic plant food if that is too much. NO Miracle Grow!

    Good Luck and I know you can do it!!!:wave:
  5. Thanks for the advice, but like it said in my journal, when i get the light , i will get the right soil and ferts 2, im just trying to do my best with what i got , thank you very much for the input though and really appreciate it.!!!!! keep em coming

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