My Second Grow

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by The Great Ganja, Aug 26, 2008.

  1. After my first grow went heartbreakingly wrong (I came back from the beach after 2 weeks to find that my buddy didnt water the plant) I started another. I began putting them in a wooden box covered in aluminum foil (I know not the best but its all i had) actually worked out pretty well until one of them got to tall so I had to move them both.

    By thegreatg, shot with LG-VX8700 at 2008-08-25
    This is a side view of my big baby

    By thegreatg, shot with LG-VX8700 at 2008-08-25
    Another view from the side but under the light

    By thegreatg, shot with LG-VX8700 at 2008-08-25
    I thought this was kinda cool i call it a "stem shot" yet again of my big baby

    By thegreatg, shot with LG-VX8700 at 2008-08-25
    Another side view under the light

    By thegreatg, shot with LG-VX8700 at 2008-08-25
    Yet another lol

    By thegreatg, shot with LG-VX8700 at 2008-08-25
    One more haha

    By thegreatg, shot with LG-VX8700 at 2008-08-25
    Big ass stem of my big baby

    By thegreatg, shot with LG-VX8700 at 2008-08-25
    Huge ass leaf on the runt

    By thegreatg, shot with LG-VX8700 at 2008-08-25
    Side view of the runt

    By thegreatg, shot with LG-VX8700 at 2008-08-25
    Shot of the bush inside the runt

    By thegreatg, shot with LG-VX8700 at 2008-08-25
    Shot of the runt under the light

    By thegreatg, shot with LG-VX8700 at 2008-08-25
    Side view of the runt

    By thegreatg, shot with LG-VX8700 at 2008-08-25
    Top view of the runt

    And finally my ghetto ass grow setup haha
    By thegreatg, shot with LG-VX8700 at 2008-08-25

    By thegreatg, shot with LG-VX8700 at 2008-08-25

    Also i was wondering just to experiment I started the run on 12/12 is it to early? They are both about 2 days from a month old. Let me know what you think and sorry for the pictures took them on my phone.
  2. LMAO!!!! Im lovin your settup! And your babies look good. Its up to you when you want to put them into the flowering stage. They look like there ready, I know ppl who flower at about 12 inches no matter how old they are. There yields arent that high but the buds are still tasty. Good Luck
  3. haha i know i was completely stoned when i came up with the idea. i think im gonna let the bigger one get to about a foot and a half to two feet before i flower it but the runt is in its second day of flowering...whenever its done ill post some pictures of the buddies

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