my second ever recorded verse

Discussion in 'Music genres, Bands and Artists' started by ImWithWhatever, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. #1 ImWithWhatever, Jan 28, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2010
    check this out

    my boy does the beats..i know my voice/flow/sound isnt perfect to this beat..but i think for my 2nd ever recorded verse, its rele not actually very happy with how it came out

    check it

    LimeLinx - File Preview - Free File Hosting and Sharing - Audio, Video, Image

    one of the links should be the one where u dont have to dl it..not sure which one
    gimme honest feedback/criticism

    if ne1 wants to lay a verse down so we can collab..send it to me and ill give it to my boy and hell work his magic
  2. lol thats in no way shape or form feedback ^ lol
  3. Gotta work on your flow man, try not to ride that 4/4 beat so much...and when you do ride that beat try not to rush

    Pretty good tho dude. I'm lookin forward to hearin more
  4. haha i said..only my second time, so i rele thought it wasnt bad
  5. "There's no way you can flow" :D

    Just kidding man not bad bro, keep working at phat as hell.
  6. yo who wants to do a collab? cmon i know some people on here can spit sick shit, just record it
  7. ahaha 2010 till infinity
    haha this probably beats any mainstream song
  8. Snds good bro, not bad at all!
  9. more ls than the new york knicks, thats great lol. i enjoyed it man.
  10. hahhaha thank u all

    cmonnn yoo someone lets colllab!
  11. I think it would sound a lotttt more authentic if you could implement more of a slang/street tone.

    Needs more of a hood pronuonciation. You feel me?
  12. not from the hood lol so yeah
  13. I'd be up for collabing on some beats, i can lay down some tracks for you to work to.
    Especially if you're interested in grime or dnb mc'ing, i like alot of break/2-step stuff and have a few tracks laid already.

    Hit me up on a PM if you like.
  14. Pretty good man. Damn good for a 2nd ever verse.

    Try to switch up the tempo/rhyme scheme a little more to keep the listener interested. I'm sure you will though once you record a full track.

    Lookin forward to hearing more for sure. :smoking:
  15. dont try so hard u need to chill on the beat more and just let it flow out
  16. yeah it did seem like you were kinda forcin it. (maybe it was just nerves)

  17. AHHHHHHHHHHH I'D LOVE to collab with you if I could, but I don't have the right equipment and stuff. my styles a little different from yours though, every other line a punchline or sometimes I'll speed up and spit double time
  18. i mean lol i can do that too with the punches and double time n shit..i wrote that shit in literally under 10 mins then did it 1 take.

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