My Scientific Reason Why God Exist

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by Chirstiandude, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. Where did the information encoded in DNA come from?
    To provide the answer,would debunk religion.
  2. My scientific reason 4 god.

    Look at gloves. Gloves have slots for 5 fingers, humans have 5 fingers, dis is evidence of intelligent design. Prove me wrong I dare you you can't, lol stupid atheists.
  3. everything that exists, exists within the universe only. we know of nothing beyond. its illogical that an all knowing entity governs the laws of nature. nature evolves, by nature, i mean the whole universe. you ask how dna came, the answer is entropy over much time. if it something out of nothing.. then is it nothing-god-something, or source-something, because who created god, did nature create god, so god can create nature? what
  4. TripRollnToke:
    lol,That's can't provide me an adequate answer so you mock me.Lol,I actually laughed...hilarious..
    I understand your rationality "your afraid of what you don't know" This topic is beyond your comprehension.

    I don't believe you understood my question:
    Where did the genetic instructions contained inside DNA come from.

    Entropy is a measure of chaos.

    a state of utter confusion or disorder; a total lack of organization or order.

    Entropy is also related to energy,which is nonliving.
    You just told me out of pure chaos,something that has no life nor create it(energy) created life.:confused:
  5. My scientific reason 4 god.

    How did Koala Bears Evolve? After all they are Marsupials and not real Bears. They serve no purpose. You cannot ride them like a Camel or horse. People do not eat them for food. They are restricted to eating only Euchaliptus leaves . Then what is their purpose.

    See? Theres no such thing as evolution, lol stupid atheists.
  6. yea im stupid u cot me

  7. you never took biology in school? we learned just how DNA evolved. we know how that information got encoded

    im a believer myself but come on...this is a pretty bad argument
  8. Where did this need to be right come from?

    Oh right, God

    PS: am I right?
  9. just because we dont yet know doesnt instantly mean "god did it"
  10. i believe that "god" the universal source-code. the universe itself. and if we achieve "nirvana" we are plugged right in, able to travel all of existence at the speed of thought

    and people took this concept and smashed it into stupid little boxes that fools can understand.
  11. Where did god come from?
  12. #12 Chirstiandude, Jan 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2011
    "Any information obtained via this post should be immediately disregarded as the ramblings of a madman."
    By your logic,you shot yourself in the foot

    He has no beginning nor end.Human time line is linear,or a straight path.
    His is a circle.He's existed for Eternity

    Evolved from what? got encoded by whom? The universe? Entropy?
    Who/What created the blueprints for life?
    Ask your science teacher if your still in school,the same question.I'll be more than happy to discuss this.

    We do know that inside of DNA is written in a genetic language that lays out the blueprints to create you and I and everything else.
    That is scientific fact.

    We also know that the strands that compose DNA itself(RNA) cannot exist outside of a living organism.No molecule,atom,nuclei or whatever
    can create/replicate this in a normal environment.That is a scientific fact. It takes DNA to create DNA

    Your point of view seems to be this:

    DNA probably came from the explosion of a lot of different particles and stuff during the big bang..Even though it can only be created in living things,which exclude atoms,particles and probably just magically appeared thanks to the cosmic cosmos,energy & nirvana....
    The universe some how....just by chance invented DNA...even though the chances of that happening is equal to You winning the lottery every single day for the next 15 billion consecutive years[1]

    The cosmos/Universe/Entropy put DNA into some sort of vessel like nonliving/living hybrid zombie thing that for whatever reason...DNA just created different animals and such even though we all share the same DNA code....

    Also even though we can't find any fossil record to show apes transitioning into humans on Earth probably just means they all blew up in like a fire thing thus destroying evidence.....

    1:DNA, Probability And Fallacy
    & no that's not a christian based website,its purely scientific.

  13. Ok so basically you attempt to argue (poorly) using science as per the evidence of god, then you turn around and basically say god is outside of science? Your logic is flawless and I am now a converted christian. I will now go to church and eat the body of christ.
  14. Poorly, not quite...

    you continue to mock, I hate to see what karma has in store for you....
  15. dude, your brainwashed, trying to prove god, by answering your own question, it appears.

  16. That's sterotyping, you and your bunch, needs to cool off with your generalizations. :devious: lol.
  17. What? Is mocking one of AresKenux the son of the devil or whatever bullshit you've made up's 7 deadly sins? Please, inform me how to live my life so I can have such great karma. Here's some news for you: I'm a human being. I can do whatever the fuck I want. I WEAR FANNYPACKS, LISTEN TO COLDPLAY, AND JACK OFF TO GRANNY PORN. Why? Because I can. You know what else I can do? Mock whoever I want.
  18. Science + religion = FAIL
  19. #19 Chirstiandude, Jan 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2011
    What you can't do is disprove anything I've said.
    Everything I've said except for the God's time line is purely factual.
    So you would agree on my theory as to how you think we were created?

    Shere Khan:
    Denial is the 1st step
    Then anger then bargaining soon after depression and finally


    You should be very much so proud that you get to choose and make a choice.For Christianity to be a fact from the beginning of time would automatically take away that freedom.You would be a robot....that's why religion is faith base.

    You can jack off to Granny porn,wear fanny packs,and listen to cold play it was a choice that you've made.
  20. I don't have to disprove anything you've said. Your logic is completely ridiculous.

    Here's what I read when I see your logic: I don't know how stuff works, therefore, a magic man that you can't disprove did it, this gives me a reason for living because I'm too cousinfucking stupid to make decisions for myself.

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