My RooR broke :(

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by hanbush, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. My old lil sista 3.2 was on loan to a friend. He forgot it in the freezer and now the bottom of the beaker is broken clean off :(
    I only paid 140 for it, will i be able to replace it or fix it for that much? I'm in NYC btw.
  2. Why was the bong in the freezer? Welcome to the city.
  3. Cooler hits i guess:)
  4. That's probably what he was going for, be he forgot his elementary school science. WATER EXPANDS WHEN FROZEN
  5. Sorry but thats fucking retarded. Why not just use ice??

    If he broke it make him pay to replace it...

    Or was it "Your friend" when really it was you... :D:wave:
  6. haha shoulda went with the refridgerator.... lol i do this often
  7. No, he forgot that it was in the freezer:wave:..
  8. Yeah sorry your friend is retarded make him pay for it.
  9. Just got back from the headshop, got a forest green lil sista with a roor diffuser downstem, and a roor ashcatcher. All for 160, gotta love haha! My friend chipped in 120, so I wound up getting a diffy and an ashcatcher for 40 bucks!

    Attached Files:

  10. Show more pics, i smell a fake.
  11. i got it from addiction nyc, they're an official roor dealer, no fakes there. the tube was originally 150 by itself, but they had a buy 1 get 1 free deal so i got it with a .us a/c and .us diffy for 160. bitchin deal right?
  12. #12 Deleted member 180229, Feb 12, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2011
    Addiction NYC is for chums and tourists, bro:smoke:

    Nice piece, lovin the forest green. But really..St. Marks for glass? C'mon haha ;)

    Last time I went to Addiction Ink, they had a bunch of cheapo paper thin spoons, and crack pipes eek..
  13. Hell yeah, buy one get one free at a headshop sounds awesome.
  14. Theyre the only nyc headshop listed on the site. I went to blue nile and ny gifts, they didn't have any us lil sistas. I've read every single fake roor thread, and this was definitely an informed decision. the joint is bistabil, thick and smooth, ice catcher is in the right location, beaker geometry is good, sig is in the right location. i normally wouldn't be caught dead in a st marks headshop, theyre packed with fakes, but i figured id give addiction a try because vouches for them. theyre not going to risk that just to sell a bit of fake glass. i'm happy with what i got. but i dropped my ashcatcher :(:(

  15. they originally wanted to give me one of those acrylic bong gasmasks hahaha!
  16. haha, been there done that...i don't really care to every hit one again.

  17. this is exactly what i thought but THEY DO HAVE FAKE ROORS. they tried to get me to buy a double perc ROOR without a splash guard. FAKE AS HELL!!!
  18. You dropped the a/c? Bummer dude.
  19. I feel ya one of my homies new frosted 2 footer w/rasta perc and Ice catch sadly broke this weekend, he was longboarding pretty stoned...and I'm sure anyone can figure out what happened next lol still hittable but will cut the fuck outta your leg if you arnt careful
  20. more pics or its a fake!

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