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My Roommate Got Busted - Random Searches

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by lookin4busstop, Mar 29, 2012.

  1. My roommate got pulled over for drunk driving and had weed on him. He got a DUI and is on probation. This paper he has from the court says that he is subject to random searches of his person, vehicle and house. Does this mean that the cops can search my room too since I live with him?
  2. No not at all
  3. Nope but your roommates a dumb fuck for driving drunk
  4. Nope, just lock your door. If you pay rent for your room and are on the lease, then that's your private personal space and even if they have a warrant you can fight it in court.
  5. dont think so if your paying/name is on lease. They have a warrant for his shit not yours.
  6. Yeah you still have privacy even though you live with someone without any. Also I bet 10 bucks they never do a search. Cops are so broke they can't go vist every person on probation

  7. Never got searched once on a assault charge, Well not me but my dad. (I was living with him at the time)

    This is in Los Angeles do
  8. They might search his side of the room, but AFAIK they cannot search through your shit. Still, be safe and make sure the room doesn't reek.
  9. If they have reason to believe you are hiding his shit they can.
  10. That's just a bullshit excuse cops use to make illegal works on most people though.
  11. This website has some really good information on exactly what you are asking.

  12. It's a good excuse. That would be the most logical thing to do... Giving your roommate your paraphernalia when they do a police search. Think about it.
  13. I'm no law expert, but I know the police. They'll sure as hell CLAIM indirectly that they have the right somehow. Dirty bastards....
  14. dont drink and drive smoke and fly
  15. Lol first he decided to drive drunk and then he had weed on him? Lol...

    But no they cannot search your shit. 100 bucks says they never even search one time.
  16. don't give them probable cause and your OK

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