My revolutionary idea

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by eugoogolizer, May 11, 2010.

  1. i still want my beej...
  2. Lmfao, I love your plan.
    1) legalize weed.
    2) smoke weed with people.
    3) ???
    4) Profit.
  3. Not a bad idea, but it seems to me that this would be exclusive to smokers only. Serve up edibles at your sessions maybe? :D
  4. Once you got into your actual school work you would realize you can never build a practice on this. Its against so many medical regulations to be impaired in any form when dealing with a patient. Plus as a therapist you would never want to have your judgement impaired when dealing with another persons life. maybe in a non therapy setting you could share a blunt with a patient but this still is a violation of the doctor patient relationship. Hopefully someday you will be able to prescribe the herb to help heal people no matter where you live.
  5. #25 MobiusStrip, May 12, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2010
    Assuming weed was legal, the problem I see here is you getting high along with the patient.

    I mean, if the patient is smoking and letting out their feelings, great, but you would lose a lot of professionalism if you lit up too. I don't know about therapists, but doctors are always getting prosecuted/sued for operating on people while under the influence of shit.

    Good idea, but I think I echo the general consensus here when I say this will never work in reality.

    EDIT: I just realized the guy right before me said like the exact same thing
  6. I meant exactly that. If a nut case comes in and blazes then guns up the place. In all reality your idea has good intentions but, it is just not possible. Maybe 300 years in the future shit'll be different.But good idea nontheless.

  7. Man I love to do this, you just share a blunt while you have a needed conversation face to face. 100% agree with that point.
  8. haha so all in all good idea.
  9. #29 hypermoses, May 12, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2010
    this man knows what hes talking about.
    i still dont know if this is a joke or not, considering the op hasn't addressed most of the issues brought up. there are so many medical regulations preventing this type of behavior that its very unlikely that anything like this would ever be possible, at least in the united states.

    you're either ignorant or a troll.
  10. You could open up a practice in California and have it next to a medical marijuana store.
  11. Ignorant isn't a word you should be throwing around lightly.

    The guy had an idea and decided to speculate on it. Don't be hatin'
  12. what parents would send there kids to this? it's a cool idea, but i don't think its practical
  13. i think you should start with the getting your degree part.

    ya know... just that little part

    no problem other than that

    just... you know

    get that degree.

    real quick.


  14. ^^^This!!!

    I love the idea, although it will prolly be another 100 years (if at all) that this becomes both legal and socially acceptable.

    And that other guy: Who hell goes totally ape shit and kills people at a therapy place?

  15. ok this is not really a joke its just an idea. i dont see how i am ignorant or a troll? also its not like this is a life altering scenario people go to therapy to get help not to become something their not. if they like smoking weed and want help then this would be the place to go. you dont have to go if you dont enjoy smoking weed. the weed isnt supposed to be some cure for their depression or what not its just enhancing the experience. most people hate going to therapy and just sit thru it to waste time. this would help them b more inclined to go and maybe actually talk about their problems

    what other "issues" must i adress
  16. #36 hypermoses, May 13, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2010
    lacking in knowledge or training; unlearned

    theres nothing wrong with being ignorant, it is what it is.

    the main issue to address is the legality running counseling or therapy while under the influence of a mind altering substance.there are also other problems, off the top of my head you would have to be allowed to consume drugs on site and actually get people to pay to smoke a blunt with you.

    conceptually the idea of using marijuana to help people psychologically is a good idea, i just cant see the execution actually happening.

    im no professional psychologist and i cant claim to know the specific rules you'd be breaking, but the entire concept is very far-fetched. my goal is not to rip on what you're saying but to give my honest opinion of what i think about your idea.
  17. i read this and laughed... while high:smoking:

    some people take GC forums too seriously it a forum for stoned people c'mon
  18. thank you bluntimus hhaah

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