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My recent stash of danks

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by theoryGV, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. #1 theoryGV, Jan 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2011
    Just some no name danks I have been getting cheap lately




    ThE bud I have right now definitely the best of the 4


    Sorry the pics are off my android phone will get more pics up of the last bud
    Ayer hopefully with me actual camera
  2. That looks like some bud I picked up a few weeks ago. It was great. Enjoy, man!
  3. Well I'm in the 248 as well so maybe?
  4. #4 theoryGV, Jan 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2011
    Just finish a blunt and the chillum pack from the pics and am ripped haha

    Playing around with what lighting looks best










    Few bowls

    Milkshots haha
  5. yumyumyumyumyum :yummy:
  6. nice looking buds :smoke:
  7. What lighting u guys think looks best?

    The quality is kinda bad but pretty good for a android phone. Lol tis things even got a macro feature which I just learned to use . ( all the pics in the thread used this)
  8. wanna hang lol
  9. gotta love the michigan bud

    picked up Black and Athena Kush from AAWC today, dankk :smoke:
  10. Michigan has definitely got some danks my bro has his card so I occasionally get dispensary weed when I see him.
  11. Just picked up 5 more grams last night (technically this morning but whateve) got 5 grams for 60 bucks I'll have some more pics in a sec.

  12. Looks like some decent bud, especialy at those prices.

    Is that a glass distortion bub? Its nice:smoke:

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