My puppy Shadow

Discussion in 'Pets' started by Hive, Jun 8, 2015.

  1. My puppy Shadow has the strangest relationship with weed. He loves the smell of fresh weed, but whenever I smoke a bowl he nudges and nudges the bowl if I set it down like hes trying to tip it over! If I leave the bag somewhere he can reach he tries to pick it up and play with it like a toy! He wont eat the weed though, just scatters it everywhere! I'm lucky that hasnt happened since he was a baby and now I know to look out. Look at him with this quarter! 
    Any other dogs like this?


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  2. thats awesome lol my cat does the same thing, he does not like or dislike it I think hes just curious as to wtf it is.
  3. Yea
    Yea my basset loved weed. Would get into my little sacks from time to time. One of the few times I got kind bud. And i had a quarter of white willow. Probably one of my all time favorite pickups...she got into that. When I got home and found the pieces of weed scattered in the carpet I yelled and yelled at her, slapped my fist on the ground, made all types of noises, screaming, for a good five broke my Heart doing that to her. She was shaking the next day still. She wouldn't come up to me for close to a week. But she never got close to my weed again.

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