My proposal for a grow box - should I change anything?

Discussion in 'Grow Room Design/Setup' started by Whisky Geebs, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. Hello everyone, ive been pondering out a small grow SCRoG growbox to grow in, but im not sure if its too small or not. As noted in the picture, i only have the bottom and top build together, and can still easily make the unit higher by re cutting new lumber. I was planning on building a wooden pot to grow in - this way it will utilize the most of its space (is it recommended to grow in wood? Possible rotting issues? Possibly make a plastic inner lining?). I planned on using a 150w MH/HPS for vegging and flowering respectively. Any sort of errors or forewarning for me?

    (Also included is a pic of the closet corner it shall reside in)

    Attached Files:

  2. u want separate pots. are u using feminized seeds?
  3. I only planned on using one plant, and 4-way LSTing it plus topping. I am using feminized seeds, probably afghan kush or DNA LA
  4. Nicely thought out plan. I'd prolly give it another 12" in height though - 24" is pretty short even for a one plant scrog. You look like you have enough room in your closet if that's where you're going to put it. GL!
  5. I think the only reason for not going bigger was it would be less stealthy. But i suppose having a noisy large wooden cube of any size wouldn't be that stealthy anyway.

    The more i think of it, the more i want to increase height. it would make the entire unit a little easier to fit things in. I would assume l will only need a 250 watt if i increase by a foot or two, correct?
  6. Yeah, that's true. How's the old saying go? In for a penny - in for a pound! No one ever wishes their space was shorter. You'll always find a use for more height. A 250 would be perfect for your box. 4 sq. ft. @ 28000 lumens = 7000 lumens per sq. ft. - just right! GL!

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