I uploaded a picture and when I go to change my picture I can see it in the "current picture" box... but it won't appear on the forums. What's going on?! I looks so plain without an avi
the one that appears on the forum is your avatar... Go to User CP, then on the left there is a menu, look in Settings and Options and click "Edit Avatar"
I meant my avatar, yes. There are so many names for the picture associated with your profile ranging from different sites I got it mixed up. Anyways it is the charmander smoking, I can't see it myself though... but I guess you guys can. I wonder why that is :s
You have Charmander as your profile pic...go to quick links > your profile, and you'll see it on your profile page... You want user cp > edit avatar...that Charmander pic might be a bit big...not sure though...can't remember the allowable avi size for regular users, sorry...