My point of view on God

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by Immune21, Sep 3, 2010.

  1. #1 Immune21, Sep 3, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 13, 2010
    There's millions of species on this one single planet alone. Out of the mind blowing amount of planets that are out there(1.4 Billion planets in our galaxy alone, and currently we know of 125 BILLION galaxies.) with potentially infinite species of life on them.

    With that information I think it's just ignorant to think that some magical man in the sky made humans in his image in 7 days when plenty of things in the bible have been proven wrong.

    Any rational person should easily come up with the conclusion that the chance of God existing is extremely slim.

    I hope in 50 years people will get their heads out of their asses and come to this realization. Maybe it will come when we develop the technology to discover life on other planets?

    I can only pray my generation (I'm 19) will suddenly get smarter than the ones in the past with technology advancements.

    I continue to wait for the day where science is celebrated rather than ignored.
  2. #2 indoorsman, Sep 3, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 3, 2010
    I agree with everything you said, except the 50 years part.

    Why not now?

    Oh and scientists will be credited for their work when they convince people to throw 5 bucks in the bowl everytime they bring it around. So far no one is as good as the church at that.

    Even if 1 out of 3 americans believe in god thats 100 million people. Multiply that by 5 bucks and you got 500 million dollars every sunday. Thats how its fucking DONE.
  3. #3 DaiLLeSTeL, Sep 3, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 3, 2010
    why cant the idea of God and science collaborate?

    why shouldnt he make a multitude of species everywhere?

    he is here for eternity x infinity, im sure he enjoys a variety as do we and as we should.

    would you enjoy just a hamburger to eat for eternity? didnt think so. do you enjoy a multitude of strains and a varieties of the herb? exactly.

    as i remember it said likeness, perhaps because we are similar.
    the bible has been interpreted in many ways and continues to be so. whatever idea you want to project can be done so with whatever way you want to interpret the information.
  4. Because what is god? Define him.

    There are too many theories on what god is, some say he looks human, and some say hes a gaseous cloud of energy. Either way, he ain't there lol.
  5. Science and god don't work because science deals with natural events, and something that can be falsified. God cannot be falsified or tested whatsoever - so he escapes the realm of science. There's no way to test supernatural things, it's the whole reason it's called supernatural.
  6. #6 livingsoul, Sep 3, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 3, 2010
    you seem to be basing your belief on a materialistic perspective
    a perspective you believe is quite valid and infallible
    not everyone believes such
    I for one disagree with much of the materialistic perspective as absolute

    materialism is not as ignored as you seem to be stating it is
    rather than what you would like to see - I actually would like for the materialistic ways to be less prevalent and or less controlling than they are today
    from my perspective it is basically a 'religion' disregarding much with regard to the power and capability of the soul and similar

    however - I also disagree with much of the bible with regard to supplying a message which is beneficent for all mankind
    from my experience - the bible seems to curse people and or control them
    there are possibly some gems in there if one was to dig - however the holistic message seems to be of corruption
  7. What rational person doesn't? The person that claims to see the flying spaghetti monster orbiting his house is obviously deluded.
  8. materialistic methods - materialistic results

    If you base your beliefs on materialism
    you will find material
    you will find death

    what rational person seeks death
  9. Yes, you've already learned some psychology. Believing in the spiritual gives you spiritual results because it's simply what your mind wants to see, it's not actually there.
  10. says you
  11. :laughing: :laughing:

    This is all religion comes down to. ;)
  12. You talk as if you know all the answers and mysteries of the universe. It is people like you, who read the Bible as a literal piece of work, that ruin its purpose. Remember, you are reading a book written by man, just like you or me. Could you write down what God is? No, because we are just like them, and must rely on personal speculation on how everything came to be.
  13. Genesis 1:1: In the beginning god created the hevens and the earth.

    This verse simply states that two places were created, however it does not state the multitude of other days that he had for the rest of time while humans civilization did not hav the technology to discover all the other galaxies.

    I dnt really believe in anything however I just thought this would b an interesting alternative perspective
  14. So your saying, the bible is all just personal speculation from somebody thousands of years ago who has very little differences from you or myself?

  15. that's a sad sentence...true for you, but you can't just say the rest of the world doesn't "feel" or experience spirituality, you don't live in everyone else's body? Taking a walk in someone else's shoes, let's say a spiritual person in the world, and you might have to change your mind.

    I will agree in half of your quote "Believing in the spiritual gives you spiritual results" yes that is true, if you don't believe or are willing to be open to things, you will never experience them, or realize that it's out there. I was UNspiritual at one time in my life, that changed.....and it wasn't anything I SEEN, it was something that happened and how I felt inside, and how it is still there

    Spirituality is something only you can get on your own, you can't buy it or manufacture it, you can't see is a love.

  16. if the Bible claims we have free will, then God could never interact with his creation, like he does in the Bible. If he interacts, he is interfering with our free will. Interfering with our choice.
  17. What, because you can feel a certain emotion, you come to the conclusion that some magical man in the sky created the heaven and earth in 7 days because a book written 2000 years ago said so?

    The whole story is bullshit. That's all I'm saying. If there is something out there as you claim it's not the Christian God.
  18. LOL. Why do people always assume some one is a christian who takes the bible literally when they speak about God?

    The idea of God isn't a magical man in the sky...
  19. Then why do you waste your time going to church? And tell people you believe in "God" when you know "God" doesn't exist?
  20. #20 TripRollnToke, Sep 4, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 4, 2010
    You make some brash and ignorant assumptions. You realize there are plenty of religions with an idea of god that don't revolve around church? And you also realize you can't know god doesn't exist? When some one says god, don't just assume they're some bible-thumping hick. You have a very confined and basic idea about god.

    Since you're doing some assuming, I will as well, you were raised in a largely christian community, probably baptist, now that you're 19 and out of mommy and daddy's control, you see that the generic christian bullshit that was fed to you all your life was a lie. You take this knowledge that your experience with god and spirituality is a lie, and apply it to everyone else in the known universe and speak out saying there is no god. You feel empowered by this, because you have science on your side, and therefore, cannot be wrong, thus everyone else needs to catch up to you and your level of intelligence. Am I on the right track? It's ok if I am, there are billions of others that have had this same experience, you're not special in your way of thinking.

    I'm okay with people not believing in god and being able to support their beliefs, DryIce is one of those members who's posts I respect and often take to heart and ponder a lot about. Because even though I believe in the divine, I keep an open mind, which is the only way you ever actually understand anything. You have closed your mind off and decided you can never be wrong, and because of this, you will remain knowing absolutely nothing of yourself or the things on which you speak, but rather regurgitating ideas which are not your own. Open your mind brother.

    Edit: And just so you know, proving there's other life does not even come close to eliminating god. The only way you can ever eliminate god is by creating an infallible theory of everything that ever happened ever anywhere. That is including the timeless void priod to the big bang(yes I believe in the big bang. shocker right? how can some one believe in science and god? it seems so contradictory... especially when this same person wants to do everything they can in their life to advance science) And well to have this theory, you would have to be god, so to disprove god, you have to be god... gee aren't paradoxes fun?

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