my plant's stem

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by chronicmadness, Aug 20, 2005.

  1. dear growers more expirienced than me,

    As my plant has grown, it seems that the stem has gotten bigger. but it is bigger at the top than the bottom. someone told me that this is bad and it wont be able to support it's own weight. i didnt think it was so serious and that it will take care of itself. but i just wanted to be sure.

    it is about 7 - 8 inches tall. i also wanted to know how to make it grow less stalky and more budded if possible.

    thank you,
    c h r o n i c m a d n e s s
  2. HIGH All, have a fan blowing lightly across your room and the plant will get stonger as the wind will strengthen it.....or put a small stake to hold it up.
  3. Yeah, get a fan. For some plants using a fan will never work and you'll have to buy a cheap wooden stick.
  4. You can also try wiggling it a little bit towards the bottom. This will break down cellular membranes, forcing the plant to heal itself... This will result in stronger stems. It's the same thing that happens when you work out your muscles. They break down, and heal themselves... The healing process makes them stronger.

    Don't bend it until it creases or anything... Just wiggle it from side to side a little bit every couple days. You'll notice it start to stiffen up some.
  5. No problem dude...

    You might find a lot of useful info in that grow guide... It's broken down into website form, so it's easier to find what you're lookin for by using the menu on the left...

    Any questions you have, don't hesitate to ask :D
  6. is it indoors or outdoors?

    either way, it might be stretching for light

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