My plants have flies....

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by TygTalaj, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. itty bitty flies. The plants look fabulous. So, kill the flies (bad karma if they aren't doing anything bad...but sadly necessary if they are endangering my vegging plants) or let them go about their business?

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  2. no bug is good for your plant....kill them SOB's
  3. They will lay larva in your plant that will eat the roots and eventually your plant will suffer. Kill them while you can. Let the dirt dry between waterings so the larva die, and they have sticky stiks for plants at your local nursery that you can put in there as well. I also hear you can put a layer of sand on top of your soil to keep the babies out of it as well.

    Good luck! You can use some pesticides if it's still early in the plant stage but I wouldn't use much if it's closer to flower. A good one is AzaMax or Triple Action PLus RTU.
  4. Just a thought.If your plants are big enough you could throw a few little spiders in there for good measure.I have done this after I saw only one gnat.Never saw the spiders or the gnat again.But my basement is full of spiders.I saw a centipede down there too.Pesticides suck,the good neem oil is pretty steep, but you don't need much. or maybe a chameleon to sit there and slurp em
  5. ooooh chameleon!

    What about diatomaceous earth?

    I got a hanging insecticide (not a sticky...a chemical fumigant) and will take it out after a few days of not seeing the critters. If I went for a soap spray, how do you get it off the leaves so its smokeable?

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