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My plants have big white/yellow spots on them

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Dankush420, Jul 23, 2017.

  1. Hi guys! My plants started getting some wierd spots on them and its my first time growing so i dont have any experience with pests and all that so i would really appriciate some help here are some pictures of the spots IMG_20170723_202756.jpg IMG_20170723_202756.jpg IMG_20170723_202802.jpg IMG_20170723_202756.jpg IMG_20170723_202802.jpg does anyone know what it can be?they started growing on my balcony until i put them out in the nature for 4 days ago. IMG_20170723_202805.jpg
  2. thats what happens when you spill nuted water on ya plants


    good luck
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. What is nuted water ??
  4. lol, water with nutes in it.....
    • Winner Winner x 1
  5. I havent started with nutes yet
  6. How often are you watering and they're too close together.
  7. What's is your soil mixture?
  8. about every 2-3 days
  9. i dont remember
  10. should i replace them??
  11. I'd move them further apart and get some perlite or something. Looks kind of muddy. I'd dig a whole for each, put some good soil in, then replant.
  12. ok thanks mate
  13. This. Says u didn't feed nutes. Are you sure :smoke:
  14. Did you get water on the plants? It appears that something burned the plants. It could also be some light bleaching or caused by something else.

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
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  15. i used nutes for the first time today
  17. It's like a magnifying glass effect the sun is heating up the little droplets on the leaves burning the leaves. When ever I water during daylight and get water on my leaves I usually grab a napkin or microfiber cloth and gently wipe them dry.

    Tupur & Blumats ~ OnePrays Organic Grow.
    Tupur & Blumats ~ OnePrays Organic Indoor Grow.

    OnePrays Outdoor Grow.
    OnePrays Outdoor Grow.
  18. My gosh people...... Really...... Spilled nutes.........

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