my plants are started to flower in cali

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by crippledkiller, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. Anybody elses plans flowering in california
  2. I got a few that are and so does my neighbor.
  3. I got one strain that's been flowering for a few weeks and one that's just starting and one that just has pre flowers...I'm in maine also though
  4. yeah ours just started too
  5. It's flower time
  6. About half my garden is going. Anything that has bluedream is flowering for sure.
  7. I have a few up in NorCal. Gonna be deep with flowers soon.
  8. [quote name='"sgtstadanko"']About half my garden is going. Anything that has bluedream is flowering for sure.[/quote]

    I have two that are a cross between blue dream and train wreck and they both started to flow and I GDP crossed with sour diesel and it started last week... And I have 15 candy kush but thay barely barely started to bud like today

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