my plan to get high on the air plane

Discussion in 'General' started by Pnwshippin, Aug 7, 2012.

  1. So I an going to roll 2 joints before I leave my house. But the thing is my dad is taking me to the air port. he Will go with me to check in I'm sure anyways. Then hopfully he will leave . That's when I plan on trying to find a place to toke. Does anyone have any experience with having bud near the check in place. Like do they have drug digs in there? Responses are appreciated if it helps any I'm flying out of Seattle Washington
  2. #2 deadkndys, Aug 7, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 7, 2012
    lol your an idiot if you try to bring pot on a plane.

    Is it worth possible drug trafficking charges?

    Edit: just read that you want to find a place in the airport not on a plane.

    In that case I would buy a smoke buddy and toke in a empty bathroom or terminal.
    beware of cameras.

    Good luck trying to get it though TSA especially with those new body scanners.
  3. make edibles!
  4. I wouldn't blaze anywhere in the building unless I wanted to get either thrown out or barred from that airport. They don't fuck around with illegal drug use there.

    Only way you could possibly get away with it is at an outside area but even then it'd be sketchy since there are people everywhere. Just smoke before and don't risk being "the idiot that smoked up 2 joints in the airport bathroom, with eyes red as fuck smelling like a skunk"
  5. I had a similar plan...I trashed it after I did research and findin out that it's basically impossible to take weed on a plane. Just smoke up before you leave and eat edibles
  6. I guess I didn't clarify I would smoke it outside after my dad left you know but I would have the bud on me while checking in my luggage. Because I'm assuming my old man will go in with me

  7. Smoke up in the shower in the morning... probably your best best.. but you'll probably come down and fall asleep on the plane ride there
  8. I could easily smoke before the car ride but the air port is a good 2 hours away and I'm supposed to be there 2 hours early
  9. Just smuggle pot cookies and eat them on the plane. Haha good luck
  10. Also edibles are out of the question. could make fire cracker but last time it didn't really work for me and I put 1.4 grams of ak47 in it
  11. Have fun getting on the no fly list.
  12. No fly list for blazing a j somewhere outside the air port?
  13. Yes... you're trying to do something federally illegal on federal property.
  14. remember kids, according to Uncle Sam, bud is more dangerous than meth
  15. don't fucking do it man. there's no shot you're going to find a completely private spot without looking sketch at an airport. not worth it. honestly.
  16. Watch the magic of the internet as this story floats over to.."sketchiest place you've toked"...

    ...and then finally landing in the "I just got caught" thread. :smoke:

    I'd go for it OP. C'mon, it's not every day someone tries to shove an entire hand up your ass looking for that third joint they're convinced you have...somewhere on you...
  17. You give a bad name to potheads bro. you sound like an addict.

    can you seriously NOT smoke for a few days? last time i checked theres no withdrawal symptoms with bud. Youll be fine. Dont risk going to guantanamo for some kush
  18. I always blaze in my car in the carpark before i travel somewhere, can do that with your dad there? Otherwise i dunno if you should even try, Also depends on how hectic your airport security officers are.
  19. I think he just wants to be high for the flight. It will make it more enjoyable and would be quite an experience to be high while you are....that high. Nothing to do with being addict.

    To the OP: I would recommend either getting your dad to drop you somewhere a little before the airport, or buy a portable vape- however I dont know what it would be like taking that with you on the plane, unless you hid it somewhere for when you get back lol.

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