my pink girl

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by 1990bnr, Jan 29, 2010.

  1. a pic of my pic gurl

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  2. Oooh She's Sexy!
  3. :) thanx 818KUSH shes an unknown bag seed mid way through week 5 of flowering already getting a nice set of trichs cant wait to see what she looks like in 3- 4 more weeks
  4. That's soooo coool!!!
  5. thanx alazae420 im pretty impressed with her
  6. Wow! Bagseed... Looks like you lucked out!
  7. :)..yah i think im going to try revegg her after harvest id like to keep this strain alive its been a very strong plant from birth and has little to no scent just a slight fruity smell and im diggin the pink
  8. Yeah cant wait to see how she turns out!
  9. Wow! She looks GREAT, especially for bagseed! Hope you get a great harvest!
  10. Thats pretty awesome!! I just posted a thread last week asking if anyone knew of any strains with pink flowers. Hope my bag seed turns out that good! GOOD JOB!!:smoking:
  11. :) thanx guys...i cant wait to see what the final product is like, will deffently keep some updates comin in within the next few weeks...
    and good luck with your grow pdeeezy!
  12. a lil update on my gurl on the end of week 6 let me know what you think

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  13. looking great! looks to me like this strain called bubblegum.
  14. she looka very happy mang

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