MY Piece -- Hate it or love it

Discussion in 'Smoking Pipes, Glass Spoon Pipes' started by the_constable, Jan 29, 2010.

  1. Here's my piece, I love it, but I hate it because it's impossible to hide.

    I've currently in the process of naming it, any suggestions?

  2. corny, corn cob, cornstalk, the stalk, stalky.idk, just let the name come to you
  3. I would name that pipe big bird
  4. cool piece, don't name it at all. EVER.
  5. Pretty cool unique design. For the naming process, you don't come up with the name, the name comes to you.
  6. hows that hard to hide? jw. also prolly like donald as in donald duck, but i actually need help naming my peice if anyone has any suggestions, not trying to steal your thread btw
  7. awsome piece:smoking::smoking:
  8. i named my new piece... Hitler
  9. Dragon's Breath Haha
  10. should be pretty easy to hide, lol. I can walk around all day with a 3 footer in my hoodie and have it not look like it's there
  11. if a name doesnt just come to you randomly then the piece probably doesn't deserve a name. usually when you're looking at it high it will just hit you like the most clever thing you ever heard of. otherwise, dont bother.
  12. The name will let you know when it thinks you're ready.

    As far as hiding it goes, don't worry about it. Drawers are great, under papers or whatever. Just keep it clean so it doesn't reek. A good ISO alcohol and salt bath does a great job cleaning.

  13. How about "the big, yellow bastard"
  14. jimmy crack corn
  15. name it mohammed
  16. i don't think a lot of people will get this, but how about The Mustard Tiger. Good ol' canadian show trailer park boys.

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