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My pick upppp

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by bobby82, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. Yoda og



    Im high
  2. looks dank, good pickup, how much?

    btw this is in the wrong section and im mentioning so hopefully people will be able to just comment on your bud not the section its in, not because i wanna be the asshole who ignores your post and just says its in the wrong section.

    so everyone: this is in the wrong section, now you can comment on all the delicious nugs and not where its posted.
  3. dam that cake looks delicious
  4. weed looks yummy
    cake looks yummy
  5. Lol'd at the cake picture.
  6. Nice mids.

    JK. ;)
  7. looks damn similar to some headband i got awhile ago. nice find.
  8. Lol thanks Guys =]. And the price was 50 for 3.3gs and my cake was uhhhhh $25 lol from the local bakery

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