My philosophy

Discussion in 'General' started by kronik4200, Dec 15, 2008.

  1. So lately i've been thinking.. you might find this interesting to read, so if you feel like you want to take the time do it. Well , to start, everything LIVING is alive. right? So think about that, we know that we're living and have the ability to communicate. Cats know that they're living and understand some things and can somewhat communicate in ways. Well, plants are living too, aswell as a lot of other things. Well i was thinking.. everything alive has to know its alive and have its own personal thoughts, or else it wouldn't technically be alive. Plants for example, Marijuana. A marijuana plant has to know its alive.. if it can grow, breed, etc, it has to understand what its doing and has its own aspect of what its life is. When you smoke marijuana, you get an understanding of how it feels and what its life is like. Whether the buds are alive or not, it once was attatched to the plant that was alive, grew, and sprouted these buds. So think once again.. everything alive has to understand its alive, correct? Know what its doing. Maybe they don't have brains but they still understand they're alive and have a job to do. So when you smoke weed you get a feel of what its life is like and how it feels (maybe not true in this case, but read on). Now that im writing it and not actually thinking about it, im probably not explaning it the right way. But ok. mushrooms grow, and they're alive.. well when you eat the mushrooms, you 'trip'. What happens on mushroom trips is that you get really down to earth and start to think alot ( well i did, atleast ) about what life is really ingest living things, who have a different outlook on life than we do. So basically , when you eat the mushrooms you get a taste for what they see life really as.. which in my trip i realised life is just time that goes by (its a long story. ) If this made any sence to you guys i dont know, its kind of hard for me to get my thoughts down and make sence sometimes.. if you took the time to read this tell me what you think
  2. so as i eat this chicken, i feel what a chickens life is like?

    not really, i think the THC in marijuana fires up your brain like no other chemical and allows you to think outside the box.
  3. Respectfully, I think you're still tripping. When I eat a hamburger I don't get cravings for grass or chew cud. When I eat fish I don't wiggle my ears. Aside from that, I just can't wrap my brain around thought with out a brain. Furthermore, what you are talking about is an example of personification, that is, you are applying human qualities to other species in your attempt to understand them. There is no reason to believe that vegitation experiences life in any way even remotely similar to the human experience.

  4. I think you should wait to post your threads for after you're no longer stoned.
  5. lol fuck you guys i think im on to something. and i ate the mushrooms 6 months ago
  6. basically what im getting out of this is that anything we ingest that was once "alive" it gives you the abilty to see how the organism saw life. I know what you talking about with shrooms cause i didnt the whole "what is life about" thing while i was tripping to. Sorry to say it but to put this assumption on everything that was once alive in regards to us ingesting it does not make sense. From what others have said so far, i do not feel like grazing after i eat a burger or i dont feel like clucking after i eat chicken. Another point is that when you do coke you see life in a completely diff way but you can prove that coke was never truely "alive." I understand where you started off from but when you put this in the light of the entire spectrum it does not stand up. I completely applaud you for having the balls to throw out a theory of yours (high or not) cause after all it was once known that the earth was flat until someone threw out a fucked up theory of it being round.

    Keep on thinking man and i dont care what people say. Ill read you thoughts
  7. ya i know i wasnt saying i about anything you eat. i was just thinking about why drugs affect you the way they do. dont think im saying because i eat a steak im gonna start mooing n eating grass
  8. i get what your saying now. It is something to ponder about
  9. lols plants can't think.

    sorry op
  10. hes not saying that plants can think like we can. He saying that plants are aware of their own existence. Which is very true by the way.
  11. there is a definte line between life awareness and exsistence versus being a sentient being..

    While we can never truly understand how or why a certain species acts a way it acts or emotions it feels.

    Perhaps plant life or sentience in any way happens invisible to the human eye, much like how chemicals react to each other..

    our physical exsitence is nothing more than chemicals anyway, somehow though our brains, or I believe our soul allows us to acend beyond that..

    as much, humans are the only species i know about that has the abilty to think, reason, wonder, dream, love, hate, envy, lust, and willingly end its exsitence..

    we can override instinct, which makes us different than all the rest.

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