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My Perc'd Inline - Who Blew This???

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by Weedman2000, Jun 1, 2009.

  1. alright, so i got this inline about a month back. anyways, its a sick ass piece. solid glass and rips like a dream.

    one question though. who blew it? can anybody give me any ideas as to who's work this is??

    any comments are welcome..






  2. couldnt tell ya
  3. lol well thanks for that i guess
  4. thats a nice piece man! I've never really seen anything like that. does it use water?
  5. thanks dude

    yea, you fill it with water at the bottom to cover the diffuser holes, and put water in the perc.
  6. A Chinaman

    Kidding really but the perc does look pretty Chinese.
  7. #7 Weedman2000, Jun 1, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2009
    im mean im pretty sure its not, it was bought at a store that carries shit mostly from known blowers. they dont sell any other china perc brands like pure and phire and shit...

    how so?
  8. The piece looks like it was blown by a blower but they got that tree from looks just like the chinese trees. Very few artists can pull off a functionally aesthetic tree
  9. ^yeah sounds about right. most likely a locally blown inline with a chinese perc.
  10. its kinda funny that the guy knows how to make an inline but cant build a tree perc
  11. how much did you pay if you dont mind saying
  12. tree's are much harder to built than a little line with slits/holes in em.....

    and as everyone already said, local blown, china perc.
  13. That's def a china prodo tree.
  14. The only reason I think it may be china glass is because usually brand name or artist blown pieces have some type of definitive feature to them.
  15. And don't most artists sign the glass?

  16. No not really.

  17. They usually sign it by request, if the piece is for a show, or if they are just proud of their work. So it really all depends:)
  18. wow i love that piece! not digging the 3 arm china perc, But that inline is some really great work, holes looks perfect, very clean and thick! if you ever wanna sell it hit me up :wave:

    but yeah congrats on the sweet tube!

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