Sounds like your parents got you on a tight leash and are constantly gonna be on the lookout....OP's fucked.......if your parents have any sense of logic they'll know when your cheating your test to
Funniest thread of the day. And there has been alot of shit posted today. Having all your shit scattered isn't good little boy. Your parents will find one thing, then tear your room apart and find the rest. Hide it not in your room. Back of a bathroom cabinet, under the sink, whatever. The only place they think your drugs will be is in your room.
Some helpful links. When Your Kid Smokes Pot (news – 2008) Teen Pot Smoking Won't Lead to Other Drugs as Adults (news - 2010) Twin study fails to prove 'gateway' hypothesis (letter - 2003) No 'Smoking' Gun: Research Indicates Teen Marijuana Use Does Not Predict Drug, Alcohol Abuse (news - 2006) Study of 4000 indicates marijuana discourages use of hard drugs. (news – 2008) Merck Manual - Marijuana (Cannabis) (excerpt - 2008) Deaths from Marijuana v. 17 FDA-Approved Drugs (Jan. 1, 1997 to June 30, 2005) (report - 2009) Popular intoxicants: what lessons can be learned from the last 40 years of alcohol and cannabis regulation? (abst – 2011) And since they are strict Christians, these may give you some interesting ideas! The Great Keneh Bosem Debate - Part 1 (article – 2009) Part 2 of the Great Keneh Bosem Debate: (article – 2009) Comment on "Did Jesus use cannabis?" (forum post – 2011) Jesus Healed Using Cannabis (news - 2003) If you would like a copy of my List with all those links and more, just PM me your email, or check out the bottom of my sig for my email. Granny
Seriously. They know your room is where all your belongings are and will tear it to pieces if they are as "crazy" as you say. Hide it outside
They think weed is bad and the they go and talk about killing someone's family. Makes sense Sent from my iPod touch using Grasscity Forum
They can't get dogs, dogs are only used in special circumstances, the cops don't usually care about a kid smoking a little pot. They might be able to get the cops to come talk to you, but nothing really beyond that, they don't have time or money to put on a full investigation on a teenager who only uses it fit personal use. Sent from my SPH-M840 using Tapatalk
OP's parents already went on a killing spree taking out the fake dealer and their son for smoking Satan's plant. They will be missed.
Fucking hilarious first off your not 18 common grass city, second you'd obviously be a snitch from the way your story goes. Why did you blame your dealer when its you who fucked up? Be a man if you want to smoke take responsibility for your actions.
Keeping drugs in your school bag.... You where just asking to get caughtSent from my Prism using Grasscity Forum mobile app
[quote name="Chanch02015" post="19462570" timestamp="1391496583"]They can't get dogs, dogs are only used in special circumstances, the cops don't usually care about a kid smoking a little pot. They might be able to get the cops to come talk to you, but nothing really beyond that, they don't have time or money to put on a full investigation on a teenager who only uses it fit personal use.Sent from my SPH-M840 using Tapatalk[/quote]Bullshit. Dogs will get brought to traffic stops if a cop suspects anything. Cops are dicks. You can't hold no groove, if you ain't got no pocket.
Strict Christians who want to murder your dealers family, the bible would approve. I'm not even being sarcastic, it would. Anyway 4/1 odds on the headline "Christian parents shot by drug dealer" appearing soon.