My Parents are Stupid

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Dopethrone420, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. I had just smoked the last of my stash and was chilling in my room listening to Pink Floyd when my mom knocks on my door and then opens it (fucking hell wait for me to open the door). Conversation goes like this

    Mom:"Do you do drugs?"
    Me:"Uh, no" (kind of panicking)
    Mom:"Then why am I finding all this weed stuff around the house?"

    I'm mentally going "Oh fuck, I must have left some bud or a lighter out", then my mom holds up two weed documentaries I got from a friend that day, belated birthday present, I hadn't even opened them which probably saved me.

    Me:"Those were a late birthday gift from my friend X"
    Mom:"Why did he get you these?"
    Me:"Kind of as a gag gift, but also because he knows I support legalization and more freedoms"
    Mom:"Does X do drugs?"
    Me:"I don't think so, anyways it's not my business what he does in his free time" (he does btw)
    Mom:"Alright, then how do you explain the other stuff?"

    I'm again thinking "Oh shit. I'm going to get busted"

    Mom:"Like that weed growing magazine I found in your backpack" (High Times)
    Me:"I bought that as a joke, I just wanted to see what was in it"
    Mom:"Good, because it looks unread" (I went through and read it like 3 times)
    Me:"Uh huh"
    Mom:"I'm going to throw this out" (she still hasn't)
    Mom:"I just want you to know blah blah bright future blah blah reefer madness. Also, if I found drugs here I'd call the cops." (Sure you would)

    So she leaves, I let out a sigh of relief and decide that she is either totally oblivious, or an idiot. Anyways, she comes down a half hour later.

    Mom:"I hope you know that I don't want you doing drugs other then weed, no hash or chemical drugs"

    And yeah. She wouldn't actually call the cops on me but I'd get grounded for months and have to go back to therapy. The stupidest thing is that she admitted to smoking it when she was a teen. My mom and stepdad are idiots, but my dad is cool. He caught me smoking and just doesn't really care; he's a lot more liberal and was a pothead back when he was a teen. Hell, he runs a municipal library system and has long hair and a beard. My story of him catching me:

    I'm smoking in a bathroom with the shower on. I'm sitting on the floor away from the shower and hitting my bong, when the door opens. I'm like what the fuck, but decide it's my cat, who will get up on her hind legs and push open a door if she wants in and it's not totally closed. So I close the door, and it opens again. I'm confused then I hear my dad say

    Dad:"Why is the shower running with you not in it?"
    Me:"Uh, I needed to take a shit"
    Dad:"I think you're actually smoking something"

    So my dad walks away, I finish smoking, come out, sit down on the couch and watch a movie with him obviously stoned (my eyes get really red sometimes), and he doesn't bring it up. Again. Ever. He knows I do it, either he's cool with it or he just doesn't care.

    Anyways I'm waiting for my fucking dealer to get back to me two days after he said he's available to sell me a sack.

    TL;DR My parents are totally oblivious to me smoking/don't care
  2. Your dad sounds comfortable with you smoking and you mom is just oblivious.
  3. your dad was probably pissed you didnt offer him a bong rip
  4. Is she worried about bubble hash, or talking about BHO?
  5. Hold up my man, don't ever get too comfortable in a house hold that isn't weed friendly.

    My dad doesn't mind if i smoke, so i assumed my mom had the same opinion, and when she said "Ill call the cops if i find anything" i didn't take it seriously. I thought she'd just flush it, and that would be the end of it.

    Turns out she wasn't joking, and came home to my room torn up (Yes my mom let them in my room, and gave them permission to search) luckily i had everything on me except a bag of seeds, and stems and a little shake. It was still enough to test and i was given the option to go to a sober program for a year + random drug testing, or chance my luck by going to court.

    It was not enjoyable, get better at hiding it or you will be in for a shit storm.

  6. She was talking about any other kind of drug, I assume her definition of "chemical drug" is meth or X.

  7. Yeah, I don't believe that she'll do it, but I'm a lot more careful about hiding my stuff now.
  8. Really? You really think they're that oblivious when your Mother told you she didn't want you smoking anything other than weed, and your Father told you that he thinks you're smoking something?

    Sounds to me like they BOTH called you out on it. :rolleyes:

    Rule #1: Don't ever assume parents are THAT ignorant or oblivious, especially about a drug that chances are both of them have seen, smelled, touched, and even used at some point in their lives...

    What is really gonna make you laugh is when you catch your parents red-handed...:smoke:
  9. OP should respect your parents rules. Since you're over 18, whatever you do in your free time outside of their house is your business. Respect their rules under their roof.
  10. Wow talk about an over reaction.

  11. My dad knows, he caught me red handed and doesn't care. If he did he'd bring it up. The fact that my mom has seen all the dumb shit I have done (times when my room reeked of smoke, calling me out when my eyes looked funny) and she just now decided to bring it up when she found a couple of DVDs indicates to me she is kind of oblivious. She would tear up my room searching for it if she seriously thought I was doing it. I know I am making an assumption, but I am now aware that she's suspicious and won't do any more stupid shit (i.e. only stealth smoking, putting in eyedrops after I smoke, leaving pot literature out in the open)

    @respecting their rules

    First off, my dad never said anything to me about me using any kind of drug, ever. Secondly, I am in a situation where I have to live in my mother's house to continue my education. As soon as I can, I'll move out, but while I'm in her house I refuse to respect a rule she couldn't or wouldn't apply to herself when she was a teen. I know she has my best interests in heart, but I know what my best interests are better then she does (again, this may seem like a limited perspective, but cannabis helps me with my severe depression. I've tried antidepressants, but they didn't help at all). Not meaning to attack anyone, just want to show that neither side is acting completely right.
  12. Then do what I used to do, tell her to mind her business, then slam the door shut and lock it.

    Used to work with my mom.
  13. Well, I can see what you're saying here, but after reading that your Mom actually said to you that she doesn't want you doing any drugs other than weed, you want to know my theory on all this?

    I think one or both of your parents smoke, and your Mom is "OK" with weed and your Dad doesn't care because of this fact.

    Just throwin' it out there...just a theory, now it's up to you to catch them... :D:D:D
  14. #14 PinkFloyd42o, Jan 26, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2011
    Your parents are old hippies :smoking:

    haha maybe they are fucking with you a little bit also, like they use to smoke so they wanna hear what ur "stupid" excuses are for everything they already kno....think bout it if you had a kid....shit would be pretty funny to fuck with them about it haha.

    Friends dads an old hippe and before we found out he smoked he use to be like, "damn you guys better not be smoking that weed crap or else ill tell your parents"....then he asked if we wanted to go get ice cream??? so we said ya....5mins after we leave he busted out a fat ass joint and said " you guys just be careful where you smoke it and you are always welcome to smoke over at my my house (my friends dad) anytime you want even if my son isnt there.......we still toke over there with his dad every week and this is 8 years ago...

  15. I should have explained this better in the TL;DR. My parents are divorced. The only one to actually catch my smoking is my dad, and he doesn't care. My mom and my stepdad don't know I smoke (I know that it's wrong to lie to them and it will most likely come back and bite me in the ass), that "other drugs" thing was after she told me she doesn't want me smoking weed.
  16. They're not stupid, they're letting you get away with a hell of a lot. She knows, she has to know. That was her way of warning you not to leave your weed and other shit out. She doesn't want to see it, and she doesn't want to know about it.

    Instead of calling your parents stupid, and in general, acting like a little prick, why not be grateful that you're not in deep shit? Respect your parents. They take care of you. They may be against marijuana use, but it's their house.
  17. I was up front with my parents when I started smoking... and I told them when I stopped additionally. They just asked that I didn't keep it in the house, smoke during the week or drive stoned... Fair enough.
  18. I'm in the same boat. I'm 19, live at home, and smoke in my bathroom anywhere from 2-10 times a day. I have neve been called out on it but I'm high around my parents every single day. I spray every time, keep the steam vent on most times, and they have never said anythin.

    I'm very open about my views on legalization, hemp, it medicinal qualities etc. One time I ate two brownies, smoked five bowls, and then my mom insisted we go out to dinner. So I put my grateful dead shirt on, sprayed some cologne. Looking back I don know how I haven't been rolled.
  19. The thing I don't see is why you say, "My Parents are Stupid." Why do you think they are stupid? They sound alright to me and not stupid at all.

  20. Eh, I wrote the title before the rest of the article. Maybe oblivious/not caring if I smoke weed would have been better.

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