My paradox

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Postal Blowfish, Oct 4, 2010.

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  1. What?
  2. Can we refer to him w/ a rigid designator? Then he could exist both physically and otherwise.
  3. How are you sure you exist? What does that even mean, to exist?

    You seem to be echoing someone:
    I think therefore I am.

    What is "I"?

  4. What do you mean? You mean to deny the thought process that reads this question and the eyes that capture the message for the brain to interpret are you really telling me you're denying all that?
  5. What if I am?

  6. Then you're retarded lol and you might as well add denying evolution. Or just make up eveything and call it fact. Now I see why you post like you do. ITs gonna be impossible for you not to take this in a condescending manner but you're just bored with your life dude. Give your life meaning instead of trying to find its meaning outside of you. You're fucking stupid if you choose to deny that it doesn't make you deep it just makes you stupid. Sorry guy :)
  7. #70 mrgoodsmoke, Oct 5, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 5, 2010

    I think that alot of people are drawn to these types of concepts more for reasons of enlightenment than boredom. A bored person plays video games.

    For any logic to work, you have to have a universal. But there are no "real" universals in the physical world, no two objects are the same exactly. So you can't even have a universal over just two objects, let alone the entire world. So you have to figure out a way to talk about the world as though there is a universal that's real in order to have a complete logical map of things.
    Certain views of reality see it best to consider existence to be a universal condition for everything, and others do not.
    I am certain that the issue is semantic. What we're trying to understand here has little or nothing to do w/ one another's psychology.
  8. #71 Postal Blowfish, Oct 5, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 5, 2010
    You don't seem to understand how you are condescending, so I left the last part for you.

    I counter-propose that you are a little too content with your own beliefs.

    Step back and consider with the goal of eliminating your bias. If you can.

    I really feel like you hate to answer questions.

    I propose this:
    You ask me questions, and I will try to answer them.

  9. People can't help but think God built this world for us. Thats extremely narcissistic he just became and so did we. Kant is right, anything beyond thought would be qua noumena but he relies on us as much as we do him but like a cut he can do with the loss of some blood and this oneness is The All or Aum/Om in Buddhism. Everything is of natural balance and everything is supposed to happen because its supposed to happen. Free will is like that 5 second gap between live tv and the viewers at home which is why we're able to take our own lives but that would upset the natural order of balance so you will compensate for that in some sort of way
  10. The one thing that's uniquely true about all the things we can't know is the object of the "transcendental unity of aperception".

    It's a bit of reality incompatible w/ the hardware of our senses.

    It's the opening of epistemology to possibility.
  11. This is where I look from. If you deny the existence of your thoughts and the signals your brain unlock to elicit an appropriate response then why even open up your mouth if it doesn't exist? Why exist? If you're existence is of naught then the only solution is to end your life to see if it was true or not am I lying? If you live a fulfilling life that is fulfilling to you how would you ask if your existence is folly? See where I'm coming from. We're on grasscity forums we exist in that universe through our avatars. There are 3 of us in this universe. How would you deny our existence encompassed in the same universe? I bolded your last sentence because its false. One's psychology prompts them to ask questions of a certain make in the first place
  12. What if I am your subconscious, filling you with doubt at your every question?
  13. #76 ScribesNature, Oct 5, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 5, 2010
    You don't ask rational questions guy its like you kill someone and ask why did I go to jail or why did that person die after a severed their arteries? I love answers questions but I hate answering redundant ones. Is there a reason why I shouldn't be content with my beliefs or should I deny my existence as you do? What is the goal? How can there be a destination without an origin?
  14. It's amusing how you keep trying to use that word somehow.

    I don't kill anyone because I don't strive to deprive people of things for no good reason. I don't have to ask a question like that in retrospect. I ask it proactively and conclude it is no good to kill innocent people.

    On the other hand, you do everything you can to put someone else in the defense. You don't talk about yourself very much. I wonder why that is. I have been asking, after all.
  15. #78 ScribesNature, Oct 5, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 5, 2010
    You're not. You're just an attempt to mind fuck and suck badly at it. If you honestly torment yourself with these questions then I feel terribly sorry for you, for not being able to distinguish between your subconscious and its external triggers
  16. How do you know that?

  17. Wow take what I say COMPLETELY out of context and avoid answering the question all together. If you tell me what my personal life has to do with philosophy I'd gladly talk about myself. How do you know I'm not your subconscious guy? This is me asking questions for you to answer
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