My Pac 2 suddenly wont turn on and I charged it all night? Does the battery need replacing?

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by Cella, Jun 23, 2019.

  1. My Pax2 was charging all night. But when I tried to turn it on, nothing happens. Could it need a new battery?
  2. it is definitely a possibility.
    how long have you had it?
    how heavy of use does it get put through?
    did you purchase new & with warranty??
    PAX customer / technical support may be your best bet.
    maybe there is some sort of factory reset for the vape you could try... I couldn't find one except for the PAX 3...

    here is a helpful link: How to Use PAX 2 [50+ PAX 2 Tips and Tricks] | VaporNation Blog
  3. I am happy to buy a new battery. But I don’t see any on Pax’s site. Dare I try Amazon ? And instructions.

    They did not make a non-replaceable battery, did they? Very uncool!
    Thanks for answering.
  4. Are you sure the charger is working?
  5. Well, the light on the Pax are going on and off while it’s charging as usual
  6. It sounds like you're going to have to contact Pax and see what they say. My friend dropped his and the charging contact piece popped out. The best they were willing to do for him was 25% off a replacement. I hope you fair better as yours in not taking a charge, and not due to damage.

    I hate the idea of buying anything battery powered where I can't replace the battery myself. That is the main reason I chose my vaporizer over the Pax.
  7. So it would be helpful to know which vape you have in thT case?
  8. Arizer Air 2

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