My Outdoor Plant

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by WeedLord420, May 6, 2003.

  1. your right u suposed to want a female and kill the males there is no good bud on males there is but not nier the amount of a females.
  2. It is possbile to smoke the males stems or leaves, males have little or none THC content though, while the females produces the most, why would I say this, the world has no clue..........weeeeee
  3. do males make buds at all? or you have to smoke the rest of the plant?
  4. males grow seeds the males suck
  5. 13?! wow,if hes stupid enough to tell hes that young hes gotta be on more than pot, just out of curiosity,how young were ya'll when you first started to smoke?
  6. Darn, I was like 15 when I started smoking
  7. I just planted another 6 today so, I should have you some info on how my babies are doing in about a week, however there is alot of rain atm in virginia so, it might be a lil longer cuz, it has been alot couldy the past few months but my other 2 are doing ok now growing slow but not asmuch light, there are about on week 3 and look like weedlord's day 7 so maybe they will grow much better when the sun comes out a lil more.
  8. Pics for what thread? Just post in that thread if you would like some pics :)
  9. how can I get this darn junior member off my thing?
    I aint no juniour :p
  10. and about the killing males asap thing kep the male outside far away from your female and make some hash oil with it ;) thats what im doing if one or all of my plants are male. Im even gona clone the males if they are all male, for the extra hash :)
  11. im not realy shure if its a total loss it may regenerate after soem healing. i will check it out in two days while im puting egshells on the soild to stop a slug problem.
  12. hey what happened to the dude that started this thread? how your plants coming along?
  13. took a break my plant still alive i have another one that is about 3 weeks old i thinking about moveing them inside cause of the heat and bugs.....what light should i buy?
  14. a weedlord lets see some more pics of the little guys.
  15. leave them outside, to solve the bug problem use seevendust and dont worry about the heat there used to it. Your plants will get alot bigger outdoor in there natural habitat.
  16. I dont think your plant is getting enough heat or maybe not enough water the soil has to be moist always if it was getting both alot of sunlight heat and water then it would grow quicker and be twice the size your plant is right now.

    p.s if you grow indoors make sure you give it 24 hours of light

  17. they lock,s verry nice good work .....

  18. IT is the wheder outside ho iss boss off flowwering dont nead 12\12 thats bullS......... good worke i have 7 inn flowwer outside and her inn Norway it is 17 whitt sunlight and 7 dark
    and they gott started 4 days ago here is a pic

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  19. nice litle cola you got goin there. 12/12 isnt actualy needed, once the days begin to get shorter the plant is triggered. around wheer i live they start flowering with about 14 hous of daylight.

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