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My Organic Mite Spray

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by danktank 420, Jun 17, 2013.

  1. I have been hit with mites again. I have been reading some recipes and decided to use what I read along with what I had here at the house. Long effin sentence. Any way here it is.

    *1 pack of rosemary
    *1 pack of mint
    *1 head of garlic
    1 oz. of ginger root
    1 cinnamon stick

    And for my mystery ingredient,,,,,
    Jalepeno olive oil 3 fluid oz's.

    Chop the ginger and deleaf the rosemary, "they were hard on my mini blender."

    Blend all ingredients except the cinnamon stick, I suppose you could use ground. I just like using fresh ingredients when I cook.

    In a medium sized sauce pan boil 2qts of water, blended mix, cinnamon & jalepeno olive oil. Reduce heat and let it rest for 24hrs.

    Strain via muslin cloth or stockings. Add just over 2qts of water and apply using garden sprayer.

    I will let you guys know the results as I have never done this recipe before.

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  2. Good luck, mites can be a pain. Seems like a good mix though, I used habanero pepper spray they don't like that so if you have any problems try that out, chop it all up (including seeds) and let it simmer (not boil) until it stings your eyes when you put it over the steam. The orange peppers are better. What is the purpose of the cinnamon in your mix? I have heard of the other ingredients being used just not that.
  3. #3 GiMiK, Jun 18, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 18, 2013
    Look into essential oils from Rosemary, Lavender (lavendula laitfolia), and Peppermint.
    Would save you a good bit of time and energy spent worrying about your garden's health when it comes to mites.
    Also, I would not boil any material I plan on using for it's secondary compounds.
  4. Amen to that. Heat destroys many of the sensitive compounds you're looking for in fighting pests, such as essential oils. If any heat is used, it should just be warm water used to steep the ingredients. With these types of concoctions, steeping for several days at room temperature works a lot better than boiling or simmering.

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