My only clone is sick please help

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by Casselman27, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. I am a new grower and having problems with the first clone i took. I put two clones outside at the start of the summer and a month ago i took a clone off of one of them because i wanted to try a small indoor grow. I put it in a paper cup with soil as soon as i cut it and watered well. I then took the clone home and put it under 1 23w 2700k cfl. I know 6500k are better for veg but i only had the 2700k and herd it can promote root growth as 2700k causes stretching. It was under a humidity dome for the first week and a half and was watered well. After i took the humidity dome off watered and misted daily. I stopped misting after a week. Over the next week i started to water less frequently. I am now watering every other day.

    My plant started looking yellow and drooping some about a week ago and is getting worse. A few things happened at the same time that is making it hard for me to pin point the problem.
    Heres what changed: 1. Started watering every other day instead of daily
    2. Switched from 1 23w 2700k to 4 13w 6500k and one 23w 2700k under an aluminum reflector (very cheap/quick diy)
    3. Lowest leaf turned yellow and i read that this meant that the plant was starting to use stored nutes so i gave it a very small does of nutes (17-17-21)
    4. Also im sure this is not the problem but i also switched from using tap water that was left sit to bottled water.

    Unfortunately i am on a tight budget and dont have a ph or ppm meter.

    the soil is a cheap potting mix from WM. After the problems started i moved the lights back and added a fan just incase heat was the issue but the problems persisting.

    Also i havent seen any real growth after a month. At first i thought it was working on roots but now i am really getting worried. if i missed anything that u need to know please just ask. Please help i dont want to loose another plant!!! ( one of my outdoor got stolen. Good thing i didnt plant them together)

    Attached Files:

  2. Need help asap it looks like its getting worse
  3. pH and ppm readings are always very helpful v.v, I depend on them for the hydro system I have going.

    So to clarify, this is about 1.5-2weeks in after cutting?

    Possible Remedies:
    1) Keep soil watered with pure water (not tap as you may have high levels of hardness, chlroine, idk). You only need to water the soil until you see drainage from the bottom of the cup where air holes SHOULD be (roots need oxygen as well as water). Keep it moist but don't drown them.

    2) Your soil, did you add anything to it? You don't need nutes this early in the root mass growth, however it does need Oxygen as mentioned. This is done by mixing either vermiculite or perlite into soil mixtures to create air pockets and fast drainage. From your photos, it looks pretty dense? To fix this... best i could offer is rinsing off as much of the soil as you can from the rootmass, and replanting in a 1:1 of either peat moss and vermiculite/perlite or a 1:1:1 of all three.

    3) pH and ppm's shouldn't be too bad from bottled or distilled water as they're regulated. Stick to those sources and it should take out some of the guesswork going into your water source being good enough to support life.

    4) Bulbs seem fine. Grew 10 seedlings from seed under a single CFL until 3 weeks from germ before switching to HID.

    Hopefully others can add more comments =x, best i can do i'm afraid. Hope she gets better soon!
  4. [quote name='"Sensible Sinse"']pH and ppm readings are always very helpful v.v, I depend on them for the hydro system I have going.

    So to clarify, this is about 1.5-2weeks in after cutting?

    Possible Remedies:
    1) Keep soil watered with pure water (not tap as you may have high levels of hardness, chlroine, idk). You only need to water the soil until you see drainage from the bottom of the cup where air holes SHOULD be (roots need oxygen as well as water). Keep it moist but don't drown them.

    2) Your soil, did you add anything to it? You don't need nutes this early in the root mass growth, however it does need Oxygen as mentioned. This is done by mixing either vermiculite or perlite into soil mixtures to create air pockets and fast drainage. From your photos, it looks pretty dense? To fix this... best i could offer is rinsing off as much of the soil as you can from the rootmass, and replanting in a 1:1 of either peat moss and vermiculite/perlite or a 1:1:1 of all three.

    3) pH and ppm's shouldn't be too bad from bottled or distilled water as they're regulated. Stick to those sources and it should take out some of the guesswork going into your water source being good enough to support life.

    4) Bulbs seem fine. Grew 10 seedlings from seed under a single CFL until 3 weeks from germ before switching to HID.

    Hopefully others can add more comments =x, best i can do i'm afraid. Hope she gets better soon![/quote]

    Sorry maybe i worded the origanal post weird but it was cut on the 28th of june. I will stick with pure water and there is holes in the bottom of the cup. I didnt add anything to soil. I can try to replace the dirt but it seems to drain pretty good. Do u think the benifit of replacing the dirt would out weight the ahock to the plant?

    Thanks for all the input and anymore help as to why it would be turning yellow would be greatly appreciated
  5. Bump

    Its getting worse
  6. Bump

    I need help. Please dont make me go to another forum for answers
  7. Is it rooted? runoff pH? nutes?

    If you've fed, flush and feed her if rooted.

    If not fed- then feed 1/4 to 1/2 strength if rooted.
  8. Thanks for the response. I did feed once about a week ago very weekly but thats one of the things i thought might of been a problem so i havent fed since
  9. Oh and it in soil so its hard to tell if its rooted. Unfourtunatly i dont hae a ph meter and im using mg tomato fert. Cant get much where i live
  10. If its not rooted, dont bother with it, may have to trash it and get another clone.. If rooted, flush a bit (old nutes out) and feed that weak MG stuff at 1/4 strength slowly bumping it up per week or 2. pull it away for the light a little too.
  11. Ok will do. How can i tell if its rooted in soil? Also whats the proper way to flush? Just water heavily?

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