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My Newest Pick up- Not quite sure...

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by BlazediOregon, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. hey everyone... just bought a dub of this today. got 2 grams fro $20. smoked a small bowl and its actually quite strong.

    to me... it doesn't look that dank..(it looks like it could even be low mids) but who knows anymore lol.

    let me know what you guys think!

    Attached Files:

  2. Looks great for some no-name to me!
    Enjoy, man.
  3. Definitely not low mids, looks like some good dense sticky herb.
  4. It looks like some high mids or maybe some low danks but how's it a dub if u paid 20 SMH. Lol where I'm at a dub is a 10 bag or around .5 or .6 of danks.
  5. yeah when pulling it apart.... it was what I would call sticky/tacky.

    compared to the Orange Crush bud I had a month or two ago... damn!
  6. oh..

    well here in the Pacific Northwest... a "Dub" is commonly known as a $20 sack.... anywhere from 1.8-2.0 grams of Dank.

    if you want to see the stuff I got before this check out my other thread here:
  7. Yeah I've never head of a dub being a 10, haha. but that looks pretty good to me, as long as it gets you ripped :)
  8. Looks like good stuff man, enjoy.
  9. look good, smoke that shit up OP.
  10. Yeah I smoked some its not bad at all. I'd say low quality Dank. kinda dry and harsh though :mad:

  11. Oooo fuck I just looked back at what I posted thought it said dime for some reason lol my bad was high when I posted that haha:smoke:

  12. haha np. I'm high now from the bud in the pics above lol. rolled a .5 gram personal Grape Blunt! rolled it with a phillie, not my fav, but not a bad cigar.:D
  13. Looks good dude, some dank for sure.
  14. wow good bud and 2 grams for 20 for that? great deal my dude! looks like u got a nice connect :wave:

  15. I guess so... Its SO ommon here.

    almost anyone you hit up will sell you dank at great prices. like in my other thread, a whole quarter of that stuff (7.7g's) was 60 bucks. lasted me 2 weeks lol;)

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