LAST NIGHT AT 1;30 A.M. SHE WENT INTO LABOUR,,,, LOOK WHAT I GOT,,,,,BULLDOG PUPPIES,,,,, ....[ame]http://[/ame] ....[ame]http://[/ame] the first video i made i stole a puppy,,, the second video has all of them but 2.. she went outside and i grabbed all her pups,,
Nice one chicken Did the information from the other thread help? Any more ?s, don't hesitate to ask, oh and how many were in the litter?
^cuz he's da fuckin chicken and thats what the fuckin chicken does esse hahahaha hilarious man that was great.
she is doing great ya he had to hurry up and make this video...she was outside and she heard her babies she came right back in,,, shes going to get his a**
ive never had or seen puppies born. im interested in like how the mom and dad dogs were/are acting around the puppies. mothers very defendant? what does the father do?